Do you have a desire to see your city transformed by the love of God; to bring good news to the poor; to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prisons to those who are bound? (Isaiah 61)
I have a fire burning in my heart to see my city become a noble city! In Jeremiah 29:7 it says, “Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the LORD on its behalf; for in its welfare you will have welfare.”
I want to point out that if we ourselves want to prosper we must pray that our cities prosper too! Whether you realize it or not, you are a city shaper but your city is also shaping you. So then, I want to pose the questions: how do you want to shape your city? What words will you speak over your hometown? As you know, words create worlds.
Loving the poor, the broken, the helpless and the homeless is not only our responsibility, it’s our privilege! Those that “have” may not want the “have nots” around, (and sometimes for really good reasons), but great cities are judged not by the lack of needy people in their community, but by their capacity and compassion to care for them. What I am getting at is a great community adopts their less fortunate, takes ownership of all its citizens, and embraces them as valuable human beings.
We do not have the right or the responsibility to hide our broken and poor people away from society so that the middle class and the wealthy are not inconvenienced by their presence. People who find themselves in this condition are not the responsibility of a few city council members, nor are they the responsibility of a couple of specialized ministries. They are in fact, the responsibility of all the citizens of our community! The truth is, (like it or not); we are our brother’s keeper. As citizens who want their city to be noble, we must do our best to meet the real root needs of these hurting people in a way that gives them a hand up, not just a hand out, understanding that some people simply don’t have the capacity to help themselves.
Whether it’s caring for the poor and needy, or starting a business, or something else completely, I want to encourage you today to write down one dream in your heart for the city you live in (which, by the way, I’d love to hear in the comments). And if you don’t yet have a dream for what could happen in your city, ask God for one! I know He will speak to you about the plans, hope and future He has for the land you call home!
Here are 10 signs of a noble city. Meditate on them, hold them in your heart, and dream about what this could look like in your city:
It’s time we begin to take ownership, have a voice, and therefore a vision for our cities! Let’s dream God-sized dreams for our land, serve wholeheartedly, and put action to our love for the places we call home!