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Kris Vallotton
July 7, 2016
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Some call it “The Dark Night of the Soul,” while others refer to it as “The Valley of the Shadow of Death,” but whatever it’s called, I found myself there seven years ago. It was the worst experience I have ever been through – hell on earth!

I had 20-30 panic attacks a day, perpetuated by sleeplessness and severe depression. I finally became so desperate that I didn’t want to live anymore, and yet I was terrified of dying. My greatest fear was that my condition was permanent, that it was never going to change.


Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months as I laid on the couch unable to function. Time dragged on like a snail crawling over a hot rock. Seven long, horrible months passed before the intense pain in my soul finally began to lift. Little did I know that it would take another year for my soul to fully recover.

About halfway through my ordeal, I began to chronicle my journey out of pain. My hope was to help the thousands of others who found themselves imprisoned by fear and tortured by depression. This ultimately resulted in writing a book entitled Spirit Wars.


A few years have passed since those dark, lonely days, and nearly every day people write and thank me for that book. But many people still need more help…something a little more personal to assist them in their full recovery. That inspired us to turn the Spirit Wars book into an e-course to further assist those that are still having a difficult time, become whole.

The course has 8 sessions that you can take at your own pace, or repeat as many times as you need to.

Here are 12 important things you will learn from this e-course:

1. How to control your thoughts and not let them control you.

2. How to get free from tormenting spirits.

3. How to stay free!

4. How to develop a holistic plan for living in peace.

5. How to deal with temptation and sin.

6. The secrets to regaining your confidence.

7. How to love yourself.

8. How to deal with generational curses.

9. The power of laughter.

10. How to practically put on the armor of God.

11. How to perform a deliverance on someone else.

12. The difference between captives and prisoners.

We will also answer many important and sometimes difficult questions. Here are some examples:

  • Can Christians be demon possessed?
  • Is it okay to take antidepressants and/or anti-anxiety medication?
  • What’s the difference between warfare and torment?
  • What do I do when I can’t sleep?
  • Will I ever be totally free from anxiety and/or depression?
  • Should I go see a professional counselor?
  • Should I involve my doctor in my problem?
  • How do I deal with irrational fear?
  • How do I help someone else live in peace?
  • How do I know if I am mentally ill?

I will personally walk you through eight powerful sessions that will help you become whole again.

Jesus promised us an abundant life full of peace and joy! Why don’t you press in and receive everything He died for?

I want to invite you to join me on this journey out of panic and into power. God bless you with peace!

For more information and to register, click here.

If you would like to subscribe to my newsletter, sign up here.

Have you experienced a dark night of the soul? Tell me about it in the comments below.

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