How many times have you seen a child move in the supernatural in church? I’m shocked to see that in most modern congregations, children are relegated to a lower seat of authority than adults.
Jesus Himself said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these,” (Matthew 19:14).
What if prophetic words, supernatural healings, and anointed worship included our littlest family members?
Picture a world where kids are empowered in the supernatural, taught to hear from God, and have a real, living and breathing relationship with Him. Imagine how the Kingdom could advance if children were equipped with tools to overcome the schemes of the enemy.
The same Spirit of power that lives in you and me resides in the little ones we’re entrusted with! It’s our great responsibility as adults to empower children into the breakthrough they are carrying both in their own lives and for the Church! So, how do we do that?
Here are five things I believe we need to do, in order to empower our children and grandchildren into a supernatural lifestyle:
1. Teach them to value dreams.
I’m not talking about dreams of the heart here, although that’s also very important. What I mean is that children are very in-tune with the supernatural realm, and I know that most of them start off life as night dreamers.
Ask your children questions about their dreams and help them remember and unravel what God was speaking to them at night. Better yet, teach them how to interpret their own dreams and you’ll be preparing them for a lifetime of hearing God in this unique way. If you don’t know to interpret dreams,
get equipped
and impart your knowledge to your children.
2. Expect them to hear from God.
If we want our kids to experience the reality of a relationship with Jesus for themselves, teaching them to recognize the voice of God is a great start! Begin with small questions like, “If Jesus walked in the room right now, what would He say to that person?” By asking questions like this, you will teach them to not only hear from God but also feel what God feels for His beloved kids.
Let’s teach our children and grandchildren to encourage one another! Then, in time, ask them, “And what else would He say?” so that you can impart a hunger for more of God and model how to press in deeper.
3. Include them in ministry.
I love watching families minister together! We have a saying around here at Bethel that there’s no such thing as a junior Holy Spirit. What we mean by that is children carry the power of Holy Spirit just as much as an adult would! Kids minister in our Healing Rooms every Saturday— praying over people who travel here from all over the world to be touched by the healing power of God! Teach your kids how to pray for the sick and prophesy. I know you’ll be amazed at the way the Lord uses them.
4. Expose them to miracles.
Sometimes we protect our kids from the challenges of life because we want to shelter them from pain. I know it’s the heart of any parent to want to shield our children from the woes of the world. However, if we protect our children from pain, then they won’t realize when a miracle happens. We can’t expect them to understand the reality of the mountain that had to move for the miracle to occur if they don’t know that a mountain was there in the first place.
In our family, we teach our children that not only is God faithful to us adults, but He is also faithful to them exactly where they are in life. When God breaks through in a miracle for our family, it’s for all of us to celebrate and be thankful for.
5. Invite angels into their lives.
I often pray for the angelic to be active in my children and grandchildren’s lives while also teaching them to ask angels into their own lives.
In Matthew 18:10 it says, “See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that their angels in heaven continually see the face of My Father who is in heaven.” I’d like to propose that God has assigned angelic protection over children!
We need to learn to know our children by the spirit, and not just by the flesh! In 2 Corinthians 5:16 it says, “From now on, therefore, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we once regarded Christ according to the flesh, we regard him thus no longer.”
The truth is that your child is not simply your child, but someone profound with a great destiny that God has entrusted to be raised in your home. They should be able to use the gift of distinguishing of spirits (1 Corinthians 12:10) to identify who to trust, who the noble people are around them, and how to distinguish the angelic (not just negative spirits).
It is a great honor to raise up God’s powerful little people into the destinies He has over their lives. I want to encourage you today to start looking at your kids with a supernatural lens—in the light of their spirits, not just their flesh. Ask the Lord to show you how He sees your children and the power He’s placed inside of them. Write it down and encourage them into it!
Do you include your children in ministry? How do you teach them about the supernatural? Tell me about it in the comments!
I mentioned some resources for raising supernatural kids on last week’s blog, which you can check out