My mother lost her husband, the man of her dreams, when she was twenty years young. Alone with two small children and a broken heart, she forged her way through life with amazing kindness and intense perseverance. In the years that followed, tragedy and hardship would continue to hang over our family like a thick black cloud; yet my mother remained a bright light shining through the darkness. This weekend will be my first Mother’s Day since my mom passed from earth to heaven (I did not “lose” my mother because I know exactly where she is). When she passed, it was one of the hardest things I’ve ever been through. In the face of her death, I am thankful for the gift of eternal life. In the face of separation, I am thankful for the eternal reunion I so eagerly anticipate.
My mother’s incredible love has carried me through the worst situations, and her faith in me remains the driving force in the core of my being. She was the angel on my shoulder, the cheerleader in my corner, and my friend in the storms of life. She made me laugh when I was low, reminded me of who I am when I lost my way, and was the loudest voice in my victories.
Here are 5 things that my mother taught me that I’ll forever be thankful for:
1. To get back up when I fall down. From when I was a baby learning to walk, to when I was in high school learning to play a sport, my mother taught me to not give up when the going got tough. My mom continued to do this for me all the way to the end of her life.
2. How to serve. A mother gives her entire life to the service of her children and family. My mom chose to do this day after day, even in the tough times.
3. How to believe in people. My mom believed in me when I was a tiny child who couldn’t prove myself in any way. She championed me through trials and failures, and was my cheerleader when the crowd was against me.
4. To love unconditionally. This could go without saying but I think it’s important to highlight just how impactful it is to be fully loved from the moment you’re born without conditions. The kind of love my mom showed me was life-changing, and a beautiful picture of God’s heart.
5. To be grateful in every season. My mother could get run over by a car and be thankful it wasn’t a truck! She knew how to see the positive in any situation.
If we could love and serve the way our moms do, I think the world would be a better place. At least I know that’s true for my mom. Today I want to honor my mother, and all mothers out there. Thank you for teaching us the ways of the world, for being in our corners, and for loving us so well. You have many jewels in your crowns in heaven for the ways you have raised us.
How has your mother shaped your life and what have you learned from her? I’d love to hear about it in the comments!