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Kris Vallotton
November 29, 2015
Everyone is going to die someday, but not everyone really lives! You can’t add days to your life, but you can add life to your days. Here are the top 5 things that rob us of life:


Ask yourself the question: if I was ten times bolder what would I do? If the answer is any different than what you are doing now, then you have reduced your life to accommodate your fear!

If you try something new there is a chance you could fail. But if you don’t try it, there is a 100% chance that you will fail.


Regret is like driving a car while staring into your rear view mirror. Your past mistakes are either stepping stones or stumbling blocks; you get to decide.

If they made you a better person, taught you how to do get it right, and/or brought you closer to God, then they were stepping stones.

But if they stole your identity, robbed your courage, and/or destroyed your passion for life, then they are stumbling blocks.

Here is a hint; you are better than your worst day.


Unforgiveness is a serial killer! It has destroyed more lives than all the soldiers lost in battle in every war on the earth combined.

Jesus died for all your sins. When you refuse to forgive others, you nullify the power of the Cross in your life.

Soon bitterness, hatred, and murder begin to seep into your heart and rot your soul from the inside-out!

You only have to look as far as the latest shooting to perceive the ultimate purpose of unforgiveness. 


Shame says I am unworthy of love because I don’t measure up. I am not good enough, pretty enough, smart enough, spiritual enough, rich enough, sexy enough, etc, to be worthy of love!

But it’s all a bunch of crap! You were made in the image and likeness of God Himself. You are His most amazing creation and that’s the truth.


Self Pity is a bottomless hell hole that couldn’t be filled with a million dump trucks. It sucks every bit of life out of a room, kills anything positive in a relationships, and destroys everything it comes in contact with.

It will rob you of your dreams, steal your joy, and perpetuate your pain.

If you know Jesus, then you have power over all these attitudes because He came to give you abundant life!

What are some some things that you have overcome so that you could really live? Tell me about it in the comments below.

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