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Kris Vallotton
March 27, 2020
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With schools shut down, social distancing and mandatory shut-ins, there’s no hiding the reality of this surging pandemic from our children. Not that long ago and during very different days, I shared my concern about the Church stepping over the line of parental protection into a place of overprotection, and I spoke against shielding children from the realities of life. Yet, there’s no insulating our kids from this, and I don’t believe that’s a bad thing. The truth is families being forced to ride out this wave of uncertainty together is a glimmer of redemptive hope that brightly reflects God’s desire for families to faithfully function together. 

Unshielded from the precariousness of this pandemic, there is an opportunity right now for children to witness the reality of a powerful God who wants to encounter them in every situation. Imagine if children grew up with a keen sense and awareness that the God who transcends the laws of physics will show up in their lives. This brings to mind the story in 2 Kings 5 of the young girl who faced tremendous uncertainty, yet she still desired for those around her to encounter the power of God...which resulted in the high ranking commander whom she served to be healed of leprosy. 

Children, often at the mercy of their circumstances, no matter how dire, have a unique way of disallowing reality to rob them of their faith; this positions them for victory. Let me be clear: it is a natural instinct as parents to protect our children from negativity. However, we must not fail to acknowledge a young one’s spiritual authority as a child of God! 


I’m always shocked when modern congregations relegate children to a lower seat of authority than adults. Why? Because the same Spirit of power that lives in you and me resides in the little ones we’re entrusted with! 

Unconvinced? The prophet Joel spoke of the Holy Spirit being poured out on children (Acts 2, Joel 2:28-32). Even Peter rightly reminded Believers that this gift was promised to not only them and their children but to those who were in the far off generations to come—“Repent and be will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. This promise belongs to you and your children and to all who are far off...” (Acts 2:38-39)

Imagine a world where children have embraced the Holy Spirit and are empowered to overcome the seething schemes of the enemy. What would that world look like? A family faithfully pursuing the Kingdom of God together would experience:
  • The youngest of family members walking in signs and wonders, healings and prophetic anointings; having a real, living, breathing relationship with God Almighty. 
  • Massive global family restoration. Because God poured His Spirit out on ALL flesh (Romans 5:5, Joel 2:28), I believe that as the family learns to be Spirit-led, we will see the hearts of parents reconciled with their children and the hearts of children reconciled back to their parents. 
  • Whole families spiritually equipped to face real-life issues together. Children would be embraced as part of the solution to the problem versus being shielded from the problem. 


While many are hunkering down during this COVID-19 storm that’s raging outside, I want to encourage you to weather it out with Holy Spirit as a family! While you’re all stuck together in the house, this is an opportune time to start looking at your kids with a supernatural lens and create an atmosphere in your home so your children can engage the Spirit that’s been gifted to them.
To give you a starting place, I came up with 5 quick ideas that will strengthen your faith and develop sensitivity as a family to the presence of the Holy Spirit. The possibilities are limitless, but here are my suggestions to get started: 

  1. Read 5 Ways You Can Include Your Children In Supernatural Ministry. This blog is a great guide to getting your family supernaturally started. 

  2. Tell your kids about the God of the impossible. What miracles can you recall that you can tell your children about? Then invite them in to pray with you for a miracle your family might need!

    One of my favorite memories of empowering our children was when our daughters were young teenagers. They had been invited to go to China to smuggle Bibles into the country. Kathy and I immediately said, “No way! You girls are too young and China is no place for kids.” But the girls insisted they go, and they repeated things we had been teaching them for years. “Dad, you told us we were born to change the world, to make a difference. This is a chance for God to use us and prove His faithfulness.” We knew they were right, but it was difficult to practice what we had been preaching. We earnestly prayed, and then finally let them go. The story is too long to share here, but after an extremely tumultuous trip, they made it home safely. Despite the challenges of the trip, they fell in love with the Chinese people and wanted to give their lives for them. They were changed forever by this experience, and so were we. 

  3. Our global leaders, doctors, and nurses need to encounter Emmanuel—God with us, as they are overworked and exhausted. Together, with your children, pray and prophesy over all those in healthcare right now. 

  4. We are socially distanced right now, but not disconnected! Choose another family who would be willing to digitally connect with your family, and together pray and proclaim health over the globe. Let the children lead these prayers! 

  5. Get creative! Holy Spirit will guide each of you to respond to the needs that the globe is facing. Keep in mind to honor the government mandates that are being placed locally, nationally, and globally, but find creative ways to love your neighbor. Have the kids call anyone who may be in isolation or alone for a cheer up or a check-in. Send a text reminding a neighbor of why you’re thankful for them. Grab groceries for someone who can’t get out.
For more resources for raising up this generation or how to equip your children for spiritual warfare, check out my blog, “What To Tell The Demon In Your Kid’s Closet.” 

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