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Kris Vallotton
May 23, 2017
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In the last few years I’ve had the great honor of meeting with kings and world leaders, having opportunities to give them prophetic words, and seeing them touched by the love of God. I know that God has called me into this realm and therefore He’s equipped me with a special grace for it. I know that there are many others out there, maybe yourself included, who feel a calling on their lives to influence the influential; political leaders, culture creators and the kings of our world. Here are 9 things that I have learned about ministering to world leaders in a healthy way:

1) Manage your appetite! King Solomon said it best, “When you sit down to dine with a ruler, consider carefully what is before you; and put a knife to your throat, if you are a man of great appetite. Do not desire his delicacies, for it is deceptive food,” (Proverbs 23:1-3). It’s important that each of us know what we have an appetite for so we can manage it proactively. For example, if you have an appetite for fame but you refuse to acknowledge it, then you won’t proactively manage your appetite. Instead, it will manage you.

2) Confidentiality is of the utmost importance, especially with world leaders. Never share what went on in a conversation with a leader in a public setting, as a testimony, or even privately with people who cannot be trusted with secrets. Even the fact that you met somebody important should be kept private. Never make comments to the media about what did or didn’t happen in a meeting with a leader.

3) Don’t ask to take pictures with famous people. I am not famous, but people often ask to take pictures with me. I don’t mind taking pictures with people, but sometimes my photograph ends up on some website or social network page of someone who doesn’t represent my views or my moral standards at all. To make matters worse, once something is on the Internet it’s virtually there forever.

4) Don’t ask leaders for their contact information. Rather, give them yours and if they want to get in touch with you then they know how to contact you. If they offer their private information and later you send them a message but they don’t respond; take the hint. They are either too busy to respond or they are not interested in developing a relationship with you.

5) Cell phones and the Internet are not secure communication devices. Many world leaders’ phones are tapped and emails are hacked. I’m not paranoid! But I have been in situations with political leaders where we found out later that our conversation was bugged.

6) Dress appropriately. It’s typically better to be overdressed than underdressed. Most of the time I wear a suit and tie to meetings with political and business leaders. Ladies, it’s important that you wear a dress or business suit but most importantly that you dress modestly. Make sure that you understand the customs and traditions of the people you’re meeting with, so that you don’t offend them with your clothing.

7) Know your audience. Many leaders that we meet with have no understanding of the supernatural ministry, nor do they understand Christianese. If you’re prophesying to somebody or speaking to them about God, use vocabulary that they can understand. Most of these people have no way to judge whether your prophetic words are accurate, so it’s important that you are sure of the prophetic direction that you’re giving. If the prophetic word is veiled in a metaphoric vision or dream, clearly interpret it for them.

8) Scrap all of your agendas! Do not meet with world leaders with an agenda to lead them to Christ. They will feel like you’re a car salesman. Just love them and let your life be a message. It’s unwise to use your access to a leader to promote your social, political, spiritual, or moral agenda. If the leader opens their heart to you and asks for your opinion on these issues, then feel free to share your heart with them. But otherwise let your character, wisdom, and love speak for itself.

9) Learn the language of Babylon. It’s important that we understand the customs, the history, and the core perspectives of the leaders and their countries that we are ministering to. Some countries are very sensitive to certain titles. For example, the title “Christian” in many countries has a negative connotation. Personally, I tell every leader that asks me about my religious beliefs that I am a “follower of Jesus.” The title Christian has been so misused over the last 2000 years that it hardly represents the teachings of Jesus anymore to most people.


Jesus said that we were to make disciples of all nations and teach them the ways of the Kingdom. When you really think about it, having the honor of impacting a leader has a ripple effect way beyond what you may ever see. My prayer is that it be on earth as it is in heaven, that every nation would begin to walk in it’s prophetic destiny, and that the King of Kings would be made known in the lives of the influencers of the world! Let’s learn to love, respect and serve these leaders well. Do you feel a calling on your life to influence world leaders?

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