Christmas is a beautiful time of year and has always been a special day for Kathy and me even in the most challenging times. Not every Christmas has been filled with sweet sentiments and splendid situations, but rather many holiday seasons have accompanied heavy hearts and dire difficulties. However, no matter the circumstances that were in front of us, the reality of the coming of Christ never has lost its power and significance in our lives or stolen our reason to celebrate. The Gospel is grander than the holiday season, more real than any Christmas custom, and more certain than our current cultural condition. The humble entrance of the Savior of the world altered the course of history with an eternal seal of redemption and reconciliation. It’s not just a nice story, that we tell with cookies in our bellies and hot cocoa in our hands. But, rather the crescendo of His coming is the antecedent to the impossible made possible. In the arrival of our Savior, the sick are healed, and the lonely are found in family, the dead experience resurrection life.
He came for so much more than Christmas trees and presents wrapped in red bows. Now, let me be clear, I am not saying that there is anything wrong with the holiday cheer and Christmas tradition, it is a beautiful part of the celebration that accompanies this time of year and the Vallotton family sure loves a Christmas celebration. That is why Kathy and I wanted to “welcome you into our home” in a sense, to celebrate the significance of the season. So, it’s in great fun and celebration that we created this short video to share with you to wish you a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
We are praying for you and your family this holiday season that no matter your circumstances you would feel the Presence of God in your home and that the reality of the coming of our Savior is prevalent in your hearts.