• Both Solomon’s riches and Abraham’s riches were directly attached to their relationships with God. Genesis 13:2 says, “Now Abram was very rich in livestock, in silver, and in gold,” and 2 Chronicles 9:22 says, “So King Solomon became greater than all the kings of the earth in riches and wisdom.”
• So maybe wealth is not a sign of your relationship with God, unless it is.
• You can, of course, be poor and have relationship with God, but let’s not go to the other extreme and say that God doesn’t make some people rich. And if God made them rich, then what’s your problem with them?
• Whenever I write about this on social media I get blasted with negative comments… I don’t understand why we all want to go heaven and be wealthy, but for some reason we’re opposed to people being wealthy on earth.
• Deuteronomy 8:18 says, ”But you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who is giving you power to make wealth, that He may confirm His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day.”
• To the Jewish people in Israel, when they were wealthy it was a direct sign of their relationship with God, because God had said He’d make them wealthy as a sign of His covenant with them..
• Do you know that Jesus told more parables about money than any other subject? The parables of the minas, the talents, the lost coin… Jesus talked more about money than any other single thing in the parables.
I truly believe that most people who still struggle with a poverty mindset want to be free and want breakthrough. However, when you’ve been struggling for a long time, kingdom abundance can feel unattainable or overwhelming. Today I’m asking you to take the step of simply opening your mind and heart to what God may want to say to you on this subject. I want to encourage you to put down your fears, your offenses, your wounds, your disappointments and maybe even some pride, and be open to the thought that perhaps there is a way to have clarity on wealth. Let go of the poverty doctrine you may be under because I want to propose to you that there’s way more to life than living in lack.
If Jesus taught more on the subject of wealth than anything else, then it should matter to us too. He wasn’t wasting His words. He wasn’t trying to confuse us. Clearly we can see that He gives us power to make wealth, so what’s stopping you from believing that for yourself?
Obviously this subject is much bigger than a single blog post, but I hope it’s got you thinking on the possibility that God can bless you with wealth. If you’d like to know more about this, check out my book,
“Poverty, Riches and Wealth.”