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Kris Vallotton
February 1, 2023


Has life ever presented you with challenges that seem to knock you out, drag you down and bring you to your breaking point?  I know I have been there a few different times in my life. In 2008, my family went through a terrible crisis that lasted more than two years. In the midst of trying to help my family weather the storm, I found myself in my own personal battle for survival. What began as a few months of sleepless nights soon became a full-on emotional breakdown. Unfortunately, I haven’t been the only one in my family to experience the devastating reality of depression. And maybe you have experienced an emotional breakdown yourself or at least know someone that has. 

Several years ago my daughter found herself in a depressive state that would break any father’s heart. Married, with two young children and leading a church, she found herself in an emotionally and mentally challenging space that left her laid out in bed for days on end. We did everything we knew to help her get back on her feet again. But, it seemed no matter how many times or who prayed for her, her soul remained depleted and downtrodden. 

We often talk about the spirit, soul and body as if they live in separate boxes, but the reality is that life is not designed in that way.
In my own season of fighting in the literal trenches of  hell, enduring demonic attacks every night and day, I learned that our spirit, soul and body are so intricately intertwined that it’s impossible to affect one part without influencing the other two parts. Problems can originate in one dimension of our being, but before long, we experience resulting symptoms in all three realms of our personhood. As counterintuitive as it might sound, your prayer closet isn’t always the solution. 

In a recent conversation I had with my daughter and son-in-law Jaime and Marty Pronovost, Jaime shared a nugget of wisdom she learned from her own season battling depression; “Pray for a miracle, live with a plan.” This is so important in the life of a Believer - sometimes hyper spiritualized living is at our detriment. Now, let me be clear, I am not saying that prayer is not worth pursuing when believing for a miracle, but sometimes we need the wisdom of God to lead us to a plan for our physical body. Jaime and Marty lead
Bethel School of Supernatural Discipleship and after victoriously walking through a season of deep depression, now help disciple others in their healing journeys with the tools they gained.


My prayer for you this week is that you would be filled with expectation and hope for the situations in your life that have knocked you over and pulled you down. The Lord has a victorious plan to lead you through the challenges of life and equip you with tools to help others as well. 

I’d love to hear in the comments below - what tools has the Lord given you in seasons of challenge and tribulation?

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