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Kris Vallotton
October 17, 2015
When people counsel women (or men for that matter) to stay in dangerous situations in the name of “submission” they need to have their heads checked. A wife was never called to be a zookeeper, a lion tamer, or a punching bag. She was born to be protected, adored, cherished, and empowered. Submission must be mutually experienced and unilaterally applied, or it’s a slave-master relationship, not a marriage. Submission is not powerlessness and fear hammered out on the anvil of mindless religion, but it is truth forged in the furnace of servanthood and passion.

If a man abuses a woman and then tells her he loves her, he is a liar and a certified coward…period. Love is more than a bunch of words strung together in a sentence. I am not suggesting here that a woman divorce her husband (although that may be the only solution in some cases), but Tarzan should stay in the jungle by himself until he can prove he can be kind to the animals. Then MAYBE he will be ready to try and slowly rebuild trust with humans.

If Tarzan uses threats and manipulation to try to bully his way back into the relationship, he can stay in the jungle and live among the other gorillas.

All marriages require sacrifice, but forcing your wife (or husband) to be a sacrifice is a substitute savior and a false religion. Many people who drink this Kool-Aid die of a broken heart in the arms of their abuser. Contrary to popular opinion, children that grow up in this environment are being trained to be terrorists, not Disciples of Christ. Enduring abuse is not an expression of covenant love; it’s a slow march to the death camps of the devil. I’m convinced that some people who stay in dangerous and highly abusive marriages have a martyr’s complex. These people honestly believe Jesus requires them to stay in a cruel relationship. I think these people are reading the Bible through the eyes of self-hatred and a lack of self-respect. I do understand that some people call any conflict “dangerous abuse.” In no way am I trying to encourage divorce. I have been married for 40 years, so I am a covenant man. But I am also the victim of two extremely abusive stepfathers (thankfully one has changed his ways and is still married to my mother). I could literally write a book entitled ”A Practical Guide To Surviving A Violent Family.”

By Kris Vallotton January 3, 2024
Have you ever found yourself in the midst of life's chaos, desperately needing a break, clarity, and a spiritual reset? Picture it like halftime – that pivotal moment when the coach steps in, recalibrates the team, and sparks a turnaround. The game isn't over; this is a chance to come back stronger and claim victory! In recent weeks, a resounding message has been echoing in my heart and mind: January is the Church's halftime! Our divine Coach is calling us to the huddle, to draw close, and let Him fine-tune our game plan – our values, thoughts, and behaviors. Amid the noise, He's inviting us to step away, knowing that leaning into these divine moments will catapult us into the second half, ready for victory. And in this game, we already know the final score – He wins!
A table with a video game controller resting on top with blue, red and orange lighting.
By Kris Vallotton December 21, 2023
Gen Z, labeled as the seemingly lost generation to Christianity, and Gen Alpha, the digital natives immersed in screens, stand at the crossroads of an era defined by the rapid evolution of technology. As they navigate the evolving landscape of identity, both personal and global, a crucial question reverberates: "Has the Church lost this next generation?"
Microscopes in a research lab
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Have you ever grappled with the intersection of an unwavering belief in a supernatural God who releases healing from heaven and the pragmatic world of science and medicine? Perhaps you've found yourself standing at the crossroads, fervently praying for a miracle yet receiving healing through the hands of a compassionate doctor. It's a tension many face—the delicate dance of faith in God's miraculous power juxtaposed with the gift of modern medicine. What if there is no tension at all and there is actually a beautiful integration of faith and science?
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