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Kris Vallotton
August 13, 2021
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Have you ever found yourself consumed with the feeling of inadequacy, feeding the appetite of your ego, and striving to perform for a platform? Maybe you have even found yourself running a righteous race and fulfilling your divine destiny, but the scramble for success and significance is not the soul-satisfying and thirst-quenching stream you thought it would be. Rather, a deceiving temptation that exists to distract us with additives to what was meant to be a singular pursuit of the One. 

We live in a generation that has been inundated with opportunities and distracted by awards and affirmations of personal achievement. There is artificial security in our own ability that has been pulling us away from the real assurance that lives in a life that operates with the Spirit. The temptation to pursue prestige and status is very real; I know this from my journey. Even prophets with global platforms and pastors with public ministries are not perfect, but if I have learned one thing on my journey, humility is the key to success. Let me be clear, the appetite for self-promotion is not a sin, but feeding it is. 

Last week at School of the Prophets Hayley Braun shared a message about becoming noble prophets that have one focus. Her message was so powerful — I believe it is timely not just for prophets, but also for the body of Christ. Hayley is a young, powerful prophetess, overseer of Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, mother, and wife. I wanted to share the core of her message and I pray that it ministers to you as you read the truth and revelation that she shared. 


In a time where there are multiple attention seekers and destiny distractors constantly pulling at our attention, the pure pursuit and undivided attention for the King of kings is more necessary than ever. The world needs noble prophets. When the world becomes filled with opportunities for spiritual significance, clouding the Truth with illusions and mimicking the power of the Gospel, the need for a brighter light and a clearer focus becomes greater. 

So, how do you become a prophet that helps transform a generation into one filled with virtue, and nobility? You live in purity. What is purity? It simply means there are no additives; there is nothing else influencing our stream that has your attention or affection. As a prophet, you are called to raise up, influence, and teach a generation. This is what makes purity vitally important. We can no longer add to the noise and confusion of the world; bowing down to the fear of man and seeking to please the desires of humanity. 

Now, I want to be clear, the call of the prophet is of high regard, but you will continue to strive for value and seek affirmation from others if you do not understand that the cross determined your value a long time ago. Being drawn to places of influence or desiring to go before kings is not just a human desire, this is a desire of God. Why? Because God strategically appoints kings in places to lead His people and prophets in palaces to influence kings. Proverbs 23:1-3 says: “When you sit down to dine with a ruler,

consider carefully what is before you, and put a knife to your throat if you are a person of great appetite. Do not desire his delicacies, for it is deceptive food.” The challenge is, in the midst of ministry, to not become so consumed by the prestige of those we are ministering to that we forget the very gift of the One that is speaking to us. 

I want to be extremely honest and vulnerable with you because one of my greatest fears as a prophet is that we will portray lives without struggle or challenge and people will think they have to be perfect to be used by God. As a young woman and prophet, when I get in a room with people of nobility and stature there is a temptation to feed my ego and impress them. But, this nudge that begins nagging my heart as I walk in the room with people of influence has to die to achieve all the Lord has placed on my life. As a prophet, when you get called before kings, your motives will be tested — the things that want to feed your ego will be tested. But, a life surrendered is a life fulfilled by the work of the cross.

I pray that as prophets and prophetic people, no matter how high the call, we never forget there is a partner, a lover, a friend, a king, that is waiting to fill us, empower us and send us. We could not accomplish the call on our own and He deeply desires to journey through life with us. 


I hope this powerful and convicting word touches your heart and stirs your spirit. This word that Hayley shared last week ministered to everyone in the room and I believe it is vital for the body of Christ. I am believing that the emerging prophets of our day are going to transform a generation one day at a time by living in purity and nobility. 

If you were unable to join us at the School of the Prophets this year but are eager to accelerate your prophetic calling, it’s not too late! You still have the opportunity to access all of the sessions and powerful moments that happened last week. Prophets and prophetesses just like you walked away touched by God, surrounded with a prophetic community, and accelerated in their prophetic calling. I believe this is available to you as well. My prayer is that you would encounter the Lord through the teachings and be accelerated in your own prophetic gifting and call. 

Learn and be activated through video and audio teachings, activations, and more from speakers like Kris Vallotton, Dano McCollam, Bethany Hicks, Ben Armstrong, and Hayley Braun. Purchase by midnight tonight (August 13) and receive 30% off the audio version—use discount code SOTP302021. You can check out all the purchase options for the audio and video sessions from School of the Prophets 2021 here

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