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Kris Vallotton
September 4, 2018
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False humility is killing the church! When you were little, you knew you were born to be amazing. Think about what kids say when you ask what they want to be when they grow up—a princess, Spiderman, and the president are a few answers that come to mind. So what happens to us when we grow up? Why are we so afraid of being big?

This has got to stop! I’m not talking about being arrogant. I’m talking about believing in who God created you to be. Ephesians 5:1 says, “Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children.” When you’re acting like your heavenly Father, you’re actually being yourself!


Months ago we were laying in bed and Kathy wanted to show me a video she found. I have to say that it had such a huge impact on me and I want to share it with you today. Check it out:

Amazing, right? Let me ask you a question: when you saw that did you think badly of yourself? Probably not! The truth is, being fully alive is contagious!

I don’t know about you, but when I watched it I thought about what would happen if I, like this young lady, became fully alive and showed up fully as myself. The truth is, when you become fully alive it doesn’t reduce the people around you, it inspires the people around you!


You were born for greatness—in the image and greatness of God. I find that one of the biggest deterrents for owning your greatness is the fear of stealing God’s glory. I’m sure you’ve heard people respond to compliments with, “Oh no, it’s not me. All the glory to God!

If you don’t want to steal God’s glory, then here’s some news: you ain’t that big! Not only are you not big enough to steal the glory of God, but the truth is you can’t steal something that was given to you!

In John 17:22 Jesus is praying for His disciples and says, “The glory which You have given Me I have given to them, that they may be one, just as We are one;”

You can’t steal God’s glory because He gave it to you.


But here’s the kicker: You are not going to figure out who God created you to be in the comfort zone.We can all tell from the video that Courtney was nervous to be up on stage. But you know what, she stepped over the line of fear and faced her internal conflict head on! And look what happened!

If you keep yourself from conflict or difficult things, you’ll become a reduced version of yourself. People may look at me and think I’m perfectly comfortable up on stage but that isn’t always true! There’s always a slight bit of nervousness before I step up there. So, if you’re waiting for all nervousness and tension to leave your life before you’re fully alive, you’ll likely be waiting for a very long time.

So, how do you step over the chicken line? Do you allow yourself to be reduced by fear? What’s one risk you can take today to be fully yourself in the world? Join in on the conversation in the comments below because I’d love to hear your thoughts!

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