Jesus was unafraid to stir the pot, flip tables, or offend religious naysayers. He wasn’t a peacekeeper, He was a peacemaker. So often we are concerned about keeping conflict at bay and harmony on the horizon. But the truth is, the Prince of Peace is not concerned with pleasing people; instead, He is concerned with making peace. Sometimes that means offending the crowd to ensure that His Father is pleased. Jesus knew and lived out the truth of what it meant that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 9:10). He cut through cultural and religious barriers in order to bring the Truth about who God is to the hearts of men.
Over the last couple of years, we have seen the deep destruction of division portrayed across cultures, nations, and political propositions. The cultural climate has felt turbulent and tense to say the least. Yet, the truth is, often it’s not the storms of life that
create the conditions of our hearts, they simply
It might be easy in our own frustration and offense to decide that the decisions, sins, or outcasts of society rightfully deserve to be treated differently. But, it’s the beautiful humility of Jesus portrayed in John 13 that rocks the cultural concept of justice, unravels our perceptions of people, and transforms the condition of our hearts. Moments before what Jesus knew would be the greatest and most grievous day in history, He knelt on His knee, poured water into a bowl, and washed the filthy feet of His disciples; knowing that two of the twelve would betray Him, He still invited them to take a seat, displaying a true act of humility.
I recently sat down for a conversation with the Founder and Creative of Salt and Gold Collective, Jessica Bond. In 2020, Jess saw in her mind's eyes a picture of Jesus washing many different people’s feet. From this encounter, she began to create these images into digital artwork and birthed the powerful series titled “The Foot Washing Series” which has touched hundreds of thousands of people’s lives across social media.
During our conversation, I was incredibly inspired not just by Jess’s talent and giftng, but by the beautiful testimonies that have come from individuals encountering her artwork. In our discussion, Jess shared the profound yet stretching journey of creating and sharing The Foot Washing Series with the world — not only did her personal opinions shatter at the revelation of God’s humility and love for each of His children, but especially as she began to see how God used art to transform hearts, heal wounds, and break religious barriers.
In the comments below, I would love to hear how has God shattered your own opinions and perceptions. How have you experienced the Prince of Peace as a peacemaker more than a peacekeeper in your own life?