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Kris Vallotton
April 12, 2022


All throughout history we have seen controversy, conflict, and combat attack the core of humanity, casting lots of division and dehumanizing the problem to make reason for the hatred stored in our hearts. But, this is the very tactic of the enemy — if war was his plan A, the aftermath of division, hatred, and trauma was his plan B. Somehow we’ve decided plan B is an agreeable response to the demonic scheme, but I’d propose we have a more powerful response than any aggression or ambush could provide us. 

What I am getting at, is that it’s the enemy's goal is to cause division in the hearts of man. Yet, when we look across the borders, political agendas, and divided conflicts there are real people in desperate need of the love of God. True justice doesn’t look like greater levels of destruction and grief; it looks like every violation of love is being restored, not just for the hurting, but for those that have caused hurt. We have a powerful choice to choose love when our hearts are torn between two sides of the same conflict. 

I want to encourage you to ask the Lord to give you Heaven’s perspective on the situations that may stir hatred and division in your own heart. The Lord would not command us to, “love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you”, if this was not possible to do. I’d propose that when we have come to a place in our own strength that leads us to a place of lack in love and compassion for any human being, it’s not the end, it is simply time to lean into the Lord. 

I recently sat down for a conversation with Carl Ladd, the Director of Bethel Global Response. Carl has a heart to serve those in need and to respond to those who have experienced a crisis with love and compassion. I encourage you to listen to our conversation as Carl shares incredible testimonies from our current partnerships in Tijuana, Mexico, and Romania. 



In just the last year Bethel Global Response has launched two projects across the U.S border to minister and serve people fleeing from crisis. In our conversation together, Carl made a powerful statement: “We hate the effects of war, but we can’t hate the person on the other side of that war.” It may sound challenging, but it is true and I encourage you to put it into practice — take time to ask the Lord how and where in your heart you need His grace and love. One practical way to start gaining the heart of God for those that have persecuted you or those that are challenging to love is to pray that they would experience the radical love of God and their hearts would be transformed.

How has the Lord shifted your view and thoughts about situations when He shows you His perspective? I would love to hear in the comments below.

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