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Kris Vallotton
September 13, 2022


How do you become a man that truly shapes history? That leaves a long-lasting legacy expanding beyond your time and bearing fruit that will be sowed into the roots of future generations. I’d propose men like the Apostle Paul, Benjamin Franklin, and Martin Luther King Jr. are great examples because they didn’t just have a desire to go down in history as someone who brought great change, they desired to BE the solution and change the world! The fame and recognition were just bonuses on the hot tails of a noble pursuit. A desire for greatness will not withstand the pressures of life. I’d propose it takes more than a big dream, vision, or desire to become a history shaper — it starts with an internal foundation of an established identity and purpose. 

Yet, we live in a world thoughtlessly toggling the flame of an identity crisis between truth and deception with no clear direction of how to find the true path. It can often feel like this generation is swimming in a sea of confusion, engulfed by the waves of deception, and buried in the pain of resentment. We are living in the midst of the most fatherless generation in history; men and women all around us questioning their destiny. The truth is, a father is the pillar in a home that protects, promotes, and provides for his family. The cost of fathers relinquishing this duty to stand as the steadfast pillar is a world lacking the ability to stand on their own and support their communities because they never saw it modeled.

Now, what I am getting at is your identity is not what you do, but rather who you are — a fine line that often is overlooked, but weighs on your ability to truly make a difference. I recently sat down with my son and founder of BraveCo, Jason Vallotton for a conversation on becoming a man that shapes history. While we were talking Jason made a remarkable statement, “Your purpose in life comes out of your identity, so if you never really figure out who you are and how you were made then you spend the rest of your life chasing things you were never supposed to be chasing.” The truth is there is a big difference between working from love and working for love. If you are working so that you have an identity, you will never be able to work hard enough, long enough, or well enough to find fulfillment in yourself. 

I’d propose that if you want your life’s actions to produce a legacy that nourishes the future generations, you need to consider your internal motivator - are you working from a place of performance or a place of love? This will be the fruit that feeds the future generations.



I highly encourage you to watch this week’s episode of Cultural Catalysts. The conversation Jason Vallotton and I shared is vital for this generation. Men and women need to hear the message. It's not too late to see the seeds of identity rise up within the fatherless generation. The answer is in the King and He has within Him the seeds of purpose and destiny meant for every son and every daughter no matter the relationship with your earthly father!

The downfall of this present time is that we live in a self-made world. The family unit has dissolved and people have become focused on their own selfish ambitions striving to make it on their own, independent from the help of others. But, a world without feedback is a dangerous world. We were meant to link arms and sharpen each other as iron sharpens iron. The truth is, you will forever question if you are unconditionally loved if you don’t allow people in to see you fail. We were never intended to live life alone. 
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A table with a video game controller resting on top with blue, red and orange lighting.
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Microscopes in a research lab
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