The story of the prophet of Elijah has been on my heart for weeks as I have felt the Lord speak to me about the spirit he was battling in the cave. This same spirit; the spirit of Jezebel has convinced many Believers in the modern day that they are small and should be afraid.
I want to be clear that Jezebel is not a strong-willed woman, but rather a spirit, which is personified by a woman in the story in the Bible. I know that some people in the church like to label women who have a strong voice or point of view as a Jezebel, but that is simply inaccurate and inappropriate.
How do you know if you’re under the influence of a Jezebel spirit? I encourage you to read the full story of this playing out in 1 Kings chapters 18 and 19. The story is long but what I want you to know is that Elijah had just come out of a great battle, and won a great victory (he defeated 850 false prophets). Suddenly he came under the influence of a spirit of Jezebel when she said she was going to kill him. Perhaps this sounds familiar, maybe you have experienced some great victories, followed by some intense battles…
I propose you didn’t “miss it” when you stepped into new ground with courage. You’re experiencing resistance because you’re right where you need to be….taking new ground, advancing the Kingdom, and shining light in dark places. It may take a moment to reap the reward of stepping out into the unknown.
I want to pray for you, if you have found yourself weary in courage may the strength of God rise up in you as you recount the times He has protected you. May the voice of fear be silenced as you seek wisdom and guidance from the Lord.
How has one courageous act changed the course of your life or brought Heaven to earth? I would love to hear in the comments below.