• God is a God of sustainability. If you look at earth and the way God created nature, you’ll see sustainable ecosystems all around.
• When you remove one part of the ecosystem, it affects the whole system.
• It’s like this in our own lives, too.
• There’s a difference between rich and wealthy. Rich people have money, while wealthy people have sustainability.
• A lot of people become rich, but not wealthy, so then they don’t know how to make money.
• If you don’t know how to make money you do one of two things: You either spend your life being afraid you’re going to lose it, because you have no idea how to get it back. Or, you waste it all (we’ve all heard the story of the people who win the lottery and lose it all).
• God says He’s going to give us power to make wealth!
• For a wealthy person, money is a manifestation of an ecosystem, and they know how to generate it again and again.
• Henry Ford once said “You can take my factories, burn up my buildings, but give me my people and I’ll build the business right back again.” Because the factories we saw were actually birthed in him. He had the ecosystem within himself to recreate what he had built before.
So what ecosystem is at work in your life? Do you see yourself as a contributor and creator? Or are you rather living in survival mode? If you’re interested in creating an ecosystem of nobility in your life,
check out this blog.
But I also want to say that a good first step forward in moving from a rich to a wealth mentality is to
understand your identity
as a son or daughter of the living King!
Today I want to encourage you that the ecosystems you need to sustain and grow in life are very much tied to knowing who and Whose you are. With a strong foundation of security in your heavenly Father, and knowing that He can and wants to provide for you, give you wisdom, and teach you sustainability, you’ll be able to say goodbye to foreboding that tells you you’ll never have enough. We serve a God of abundance! And He wants to lavish you with His love today!
Do you find it easy to build sustainability in your life? How have you broken out of a fear of loss? Tell me about it in the comments below!