2020 has been the year of never-ending pandemonium, that’s one way to look at it. Yet, from a different vantage point, I see something that many may not. I see people learning to trade panic for patient peace, turning from rebellion to repentance, and ancient evils being exposed by awakened Believers. In the wake of insurmountable loss, I see unconquerable life.
What the enemy means for evil in this present darkness, God will use in our favor. Don’t believe me? I challenge you to gain God’s thoughts on this season. This optimistic perspective I have amid loss, destruction, and any growing dissension in this nation isn’t because I’m shutting my eyes to what’s going on around me. This is more than mere optimism that I carry. The way I see it, hell has no fury like the God-given authority of Believers, and the Church is arising and shining in this hour like never before. Many are learning how to bulldoze beyond a future prophesied by a foreboding spirit. Do you know how to do this? I directly spoke about this recently, and I want to share a moment from this message that is of utmost importance. In the teaching below, I share keys to navigating seasons when multiple perspectives compete for our attention.
In a nutshell:
I’m here to tell you, it may not be today but hopefully one day soon you will catch vision of God moving mightily among us right now. At some point, you will be thanking God that you were alive during one of the most prolific moments in history as nations will be guided to God’s light.
If you are struggling to see a clear path forward in this season, I encourage you to check out a new series I created: The Way Forward Podcast Series. Listen to my hand-selected sermons for prophetic insight that will transform your perspective and renew your mind with God’s thoughts and ways. I pray it empowers you to walk with boldness and a renewed confidence in God. Start listening to The Way Forward Series here.