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Kris Vallotton
April 26, 2022


Have you ever felt like the odd one out? Like you didn’t belong? Maybe because you didn’t “look” or “act” like the rest, or you were counted out and asked to leave when you began to speak up. The world has made many segregated societies, confined churches, and aristocratic associations that isolate and deplete their communities and environments from diverse forms of thought out of fear of becoming powerless. But, I’d propose this isn’t God’s intent when He dreams of every tribe, tongue, and nation living in the fullness of who He has called them to be. 

So how do we as leaders create environments that are not afraid to confront the challenges of community without segregating those that think differently? That truly brings out the best in people and launches them into their God-given destiny? 

The truth is, leadership development is costly. It moves beyond just handing over the keys of empowerment, and looks more like sitting in the passenger seat teaching someone how to drive as they jolt back and forth, learning the power of the pedal. Yet, this is the very place that cultivates transformation, not just impersonation — where people step into their God-given identity, not just mimic their leader's abilities. The truth is, no one wants a copy, they want the original, and the Kingdom of God eagerly awaits for you to step into the fullness of your destiny. 

I recently sat down for a conversation with Gabe Valenzuela, the Senior Overseer of the BSSM Second Year program. He is one of the most gifted pastors in our community that truly believes in people and has helped develop many of the leaders in our environment today. Gabe made a powerful statement while we were talking, “Family doesn’t look identical and we do a disservice if we tell people that they have to look or be a certain way.” I could not agree more. 2 Corinthians 5:16 says, “Therefore from now on we recognize no one according to the flesh; even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him in this way no longer.” In order to create an environment that brings out the best in people, we must see the gold in people, which comes from seeing each other by the spirit, not by the flesh. 



It is not skill or ability that will help you in the effort of raising strong leaders — raising up giants in the Kingdom takes faith because so often our floor is the next person's ceiling. They will go places we haven’t gone, they will do things we haven’t done, and they will be gifted in areas we are not. But, true success in leadership doesn’t lie in the hands of being good at everything, it lies in your ability to believe in people; to see the gold in them even when our human eye does not see it. What I am getting at is humility has to run deep through the veins of every leader as we ask the Holy Spirit to guide us in raising up individuals that have different gifts, abilities, and destinies than we do. This is required of us in order to see people live in the fullness of their destiny and Jesus get His full reward. 

How has someone believing in you changed the trajectory of your life? I would love to hear in the comments below.

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