Have you ever been driving down the road and had a sudden urge to crash your car intentionally? Filled with fear, you grip the steering wheel, your heart is pounding, and then suddenly, the thought leaves you. Sound familiar? You may be surprised to learn that over the many years of traveling and speaking, I’ve asked crowds this very question, and the majority of the room raises their hand in acknowledgment of having this experience. That’s because the thought of harming yourself or even thoughts of suicide is not uncommon. According to Save.org , nearly 800,000 people act on their suicidal thoughts each year, equating to roughly one death every 40 seconds! Suicide is the second-largest cause of death between the ages of 15-24. Though suicidal thoughts can be fleeting moments for some, I believe we see such staggering numbers because others experience what can only be described as a harsh life sentence where the only escape from their soul’s prison of pain is death.
It’s believed that those who follow through on self-destructive thoughts felt that something was wrong with them, as if they were somehow broken. When, in reality, what likely happened was that something wicked came their way and they were in the presence of spirit of suicide. That’s why it’s imperative that we must learn to discern when a spirit is speaking to us ; otherwise, we will find ourselves meditating and negotiating with fear, giving over even more authority to this malignant spirit.