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Kris Vallotton
July 10, 2020
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Have you ever been driving down the road and had a sudden urge to crash your car intentionally? Filled with fear, you grip the steering wheel, your heart is pounding, and then suddenly, the thought leaves you. Sound familiar? You may be surprised to learn that over the many years of traveling and speaking, I’ve asked crowds this very question, and the majority of the room raises their hand in acknowledgment of having this experience. That’s because the thought of harming yourself or even thoughts of suicide is not uncommon. According to , nearly 800,000 people act on their suicidal thoughts each year, equating to roughly one death every 40 seconds! Suicide is the second-largest cause of death between the ages of 15-24. Though suicidal thoughts can be fleeting moments for some, I believe we see such staggering numbers because others experience what can only be described as a harsh life sentence where the only escape from their soul’s prison of pain is death. 

It’s believed that those who follow through on self-destructive thoughts felt that something was wrong with them, as if they were somehow broken.  When, in reality, what likely happened was that something wicked came their way and they were in the presence of spirit of suicide. That’s why it’s imperative that we must learn to discern when a spirit is speaking to us ; otherwise, we will find ourselves meditating and negotiating with fear, giving over even more authority to this malignant spirit.


I have personally battled with suicidal thoughts. There were moments when I felt as if my heart would quite literally break under the weight of depression; taking my life was a tempting escape. Maybe this all sounds terribly morbid, but truth be told, many are suffering currently with thoughts of suicide. I know this because when people go through what is consecutive months of unrelenting strain that has not only affected a single nation but the entire planet, you can bet demonic spirits are lingering and looming about, set out to kill, steal, and destroy. 
That’s why it’s incumbent upon me to teach you how to know when a spirit is influencing self-destructive thinking, as I have found absolute freedom from depression and suicidal thoughts. And, not only that, I have the vision and the fire to fight for my life, and for the lives of those battling this right now too. 

Check out this personal message on how to fight troubling or suicidal thoughts: 


In the same way that I’ve had breakthrough in warfare against suicidal spirits, I want to tell you that you can have the same! There is hope for you today because the truth of the matter is— God is in the midst of this trial with us! He will not leave you or abandon you. Remember, Jesus Himself was tempted with suicide. He, too, felt the agony, weariness, and terror that comes with the presence of that spirit. If anyone can empathize with your profound pain, He can, because He experienced it all on the cross .
I encourage you to use proclamations, prophecies, and God’s promises in your fight! Gather your prophetic words and favorite Bible verses and speak them out loud. Remind yourself of the testimonies of what God has done in your life against every lofty thing that rises up against you.
If you need help to become victorious against the weapons of the enemy, I encourage you to read my book, Spirit Wars. You can download it here and get access to my free 8-session video devotional. I can’t tell you how many messages I get about how this book has helped people get free from the shackles of fear. I encourage you to check it out and I pray it blesses you!
In closing, I want to declare this over you: 
  • God has come to give you not just life, but abundant life (John 10:10) 
  • All of His promises over your life are “yes and amen!” (2 Corinthians 1:20) 
  • You are a child of the living God and no weapon formed against you shall prosper! (Isaiah 54:17)
If you’re dealing with suicidal thoughts, I exhort you to reach out for help today.  If you’re having immediate thoughts of ending your life please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255

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