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Kris Vallotton
July 19, 2022


What if the Lord created you for such a time as this? Where the challenges and problems of the day are not obstacles in your way, but the very reason you’ve been created to walk the earth in this age. You’ve been hand chosen; selected by Heaven to be an ambassador of the Kingdom that would shake the very shackles of hell that tried to rob the Lord’s creation of its holy identity. 

The truth is, the trials and challenges we face are not designed to decimate us in defeat — but rather, we are established in a victorious seat with endless access to solutions for the difficulties of our day. Are you willing to own the problems that you see? 

I’d propose that you won’t find the solution for a problem you are not willing to own — solutions come to those who care. Consider the life of Nehemiah. When he heard the news of the destroyed walls in his beloved city, Jerusalem, he brought the burden on his heart to the Lord. It was only when he decided to own the challenge that he had the boldness to bring it before the king. Nehemiah did not have the resources necessary to rebuild the wall, but it did not stop him from beginning to bring resolve to the catastrophe. It was after he began to sort out a solution that the resources and provision followed. As my good friend and prophet Bethany Hicks says, “when we act on prophetic innovation it sets in motion the law of attraction.” 

So often we sit back looking at the challenges we face as if they are a roadblock keeping us from our destiny. But, I’d propose they are often the very invitation for prophetic innovation. 

I recently sat down for a conversation with my good friend Bethany Hicks. Bethany is a prophet, Co-founder of Prophetic Company Global, and speaker at School of the Prophets. We recently had a profound and powerful conversation on prophetic innovation. As humans we are hard-wired to advance, just look at how society has advanced throughout history. In our conversation, we discussed how the prophetic is a gift that leads us into solutions and innovations for today — as a Believer through Christ’s redemptive power, you are equipped with a divine advantage — access to the thoughts of God; the very One who knows everything. You have been endowed with an intellect beyond the natural realm and wisdom outside of human reasoning (1 Corinthians 2).



I want to encourage you to consider the places in your life where there have been challenges and difficulties that have burdened your heart. Have you owned the challenge and sought the Lord for a solution? As His prophetic people we have a royal responsibility to be Heaven’s ambassadors on the earth; to see Heaven touch the darkest places and usher in solutions to the toughest obstacles. 


If you are hungry to accelerate your prophetic gifting I want to invite you to School of the Prophets this August 8-12, 2022. At this 4.5 day long intensive training school prophets and highly prophetic people gather from all over the world to be equipped in their calling, deployed into their divine destiny, and gain confidence in their prophetic identity. Connection, community, and content start now! When you register for School of the Prophets you receive immediate access to the pre-event package that You can register for both the in-person or online experience here.

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