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Kris Vallotton
November 16, 2022


Have you ever stopped to consider the way you view God as a Father? Do you expect God to lean down and lend you grace for your mistakes? Or do you fear the rebuke and the relinquishing of His love when you slip up? Does God portray a good Father in every area of your life or just in certain situations and at certain times? The truth is, our personal experience with our earthly father often affects the way that we view God as a Father to us. The Bible is clear that God is a good Father (2 Corinthians 6:18), but if we struggle to recognize and experience the Father side of God we fail to understand the entirety of not just who He is, but the noble calling written into our hearts as sons and daughters. 

If you have read the last several blogs I have written or listened to any of the latest podcasts I have released, you know that I have been talking about the fatherless epidemic we are living in. But, rather than discussing the statistics of this again, I want to address why our personal experience with fathers affect our perception of the Fatherhood of God. I recently sat down for a conversation with my brilliant friend Dr. Michael Brown, who is the author of more than 40 books, an international speaker, and widely considered to be the world’s foremost Messianic Jewish apologist. He explained how his non-believing earthly father taught him the attributes of God as a Father. Dr. Brown shared that when he first gave his life to the Lord he could easily relate to the Lord as a merciful God because his earthly father showed him the kindness and forgiveness of a father. 


However, what happens when you have a father that is absent or abusive? How does your view of God as a Father change? What I am getting at is in order to see the transformation of a generation, we need to recover the Fatherhood of God. When I asked Dr. Brown how we can work towards the transformation of a generation, and see men step into their noble calling, he shared these key points: 
  • We have to recover the fatherhood of God. We need to know God in all of His nature, not just in His love and mercy, but in His holiness. 
  • We need to do our best to disciple and raise up Godly men. We need to model what it means for a husband to love his wife even amidst weaknesses and imperfections. We need to model this kind of sacrificial love. 
  • We need to look holistically at the neediest parts of our country. Those that are hurting the most and that have the most against them. We need to push back against the cultural marxism that guarantees equal outcomes for everyone. But, we should do our best for equal opportunities. This means we need to do practical outreaches that impact children’s lives and volunteer in communities, schools, and with families.  
I hope that you are encouraged as you listen to my conversation with Dr. Michael Brown. My prayer for you this week is that you would be filled with hope and expectation to meet the Lord in greater ways this week. That you would experience Him as a good father that cares for you. 
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