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Kris Vallotton
October 6, 2016
Many people believe the world is getting worse over time, but I believe it is actually improving! Sure, we definitely have incredible challenges and difficult issues to overcome, but there are so many aspects of life that have improved. My friend Havilah Cunnington wrote a blog on Chapter 16 of the revised and expanded Heavy Rain book called It’s a Wonderful Life.


I found myself uttering under my breath “Hallelujah” when I read Kris’s words: “The world has satisfied its appetite for bad news by developing tracking systems that report what is wrong with the world instead of what is right.” Isn’t that the truth? I sat back and thought about it. When was the last time we’ve been fed a constant diet of good news? We’ve come to expect and anticipate horrible and tragic stories. If by chance we have a heroic story come our way we are taken aback, and it’s in the headline for weeks.


It reminds me of an article I saw this week scrolling through my Facebook feed. A woman granted her dying friend her last wish by adopting her five children after she passed away. As if five children weren’t a full hand, this amazing woman had three children of her own and is now a mother of eight. She was declared a saint. Ok … not an actual saint, but social media had once again deemed her a hero. I agree. What an amazing story!

Fact. My face had a smile on it, and I thought to myself, “People are amazing, and their stories can still end well.” I quickly imagined myself doing the same thing and simultaneously felt a rush of relief that I wasn’t faced with this unbelievable decision.

Shouldn’t we see these types of stories every day? I know many people who lay their lives down each day to help people. They never reach our newsfeeds.


Kris gives us some grounding education on this topic. Negativity is popular. It sells Bibles. The church is depending on this message to motivate people to spend more time being in church. Fear is easily motivational. Believing the world is coming to an end makes you want to get right with God. The thought that the antichrist could be in our nation gives us momentum to stay awake and alert. Clearly, none of these are antibiblical or false. The danger comes when we are motivated more by fear than by faith. The end of the story isn’t that we lose, but that Christ has won.

Heavy Rain is the declaration of what’s to come, but more importantly what’s happening in our generation that’s pointing to the goodness of God. Kris leaves us at the end of the chapter with a vision he had years ago. The synopsis is simple. What are we going to leave our children’s children? Is it a negative narrative of ‘God should’ or ‘He could,’ or are we seeing it from the other side? ‘God is’ and ‘He will.” I’m with Kris. “If we get this right, we could be the catalysts to the greatest revival in the history of the world.” We could be the greatest voices of hope and faith in the world today. It’s up to us!

For more on this subject, check out the Revised and Updated Edition of Heavy Rain: How to Flood Your World with God’s Transforming Power at and watch the video below!

Havilah Cunnington has been in full-time ministry for 20 years traveling throughout the world speaking at conferences, churches, camps, and retreats. Havilah believes today is the Church’s finest hour if we choose to live with passion, purpose, and walk in power. She and her husband, Ben, are the founders of Truth to Table, a video-based ministry dedicated to discovering who God created you to be and how to move forward into your amazing destiny. Havilah and Ben reside in Redding, California with their four sons – Judah, Hudson, Grayson, and Beckham.
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