Have you found yourself in a season of grief or pain, struggling to have vision for the future? Or maybe you have lost hope that the vision the Lord gave you will come to pass. I know it can feel difficult to hold on to the prophetic words for your life and continue to believe God for the impossible when everything around you speaks a different story. Just a few days ago, in my quiet time with the Lord, God began to speak to me about the coming season for our church fellowship. I shared this message with our church family on Sunday and I pray that it would encourage you.
God is closing the door on the past season and He is calling us into a season of vision and abundance! He began to speak to me through the story of Joseph. Joseph interpreted Pharaoh’s dream with his ability to access wisdom from Heaven which allowed him to navigate 7 years of blessing followed by 7 years of famine. Egypt thrived as a nation and was set up for future wealth for generations because they were wise during their years of abundance.
Here are 3 keys to steward the prophetic move of God in this next season:
As we learn to steward both dark and abundant seasons well, God will bring the kings of the earth to us to disciple and bring blessing. Be encouraged that God will always call you to something you can’t do without Him. He doesn’t promise to provide you with a blueprint or a step-by-step plan but he promises, “I am always with you!” and he is a God who specializes in the impossible.
*This sermon is the second part of a two-part series. If you haven't had a chance to watch part 1 yet, you can check it out