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Kris Vallotton
June 24, 2018
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Do you consider yourself as someone God could use to release miracles, signs and wonders? Or do you think those aspects of the kingdom are reserved for church leaders (or maybe even those in the charismatic movement?) Stop and think about it. If you face a challenge, do you ever think to immediately pray for a miracle?

I know many people admire the culture of miracles we have at Bethel but I wish people would understand that this kind of access to the kingdom is not supposed to be for a select few! The truth is, every believer can be a miracle worker or a healer. These aspects of the Christian life are not relegated to leaders in the church, or apostles or prophets! Rather, we are all invited into an exciting, empowered, adventurous, miraculous life with Holy Spirit. And I believe if we want to start stepping into being world changers, then demonstrating the kingdom on earth as it is in heaven should become “normal Christianity”!

Let’s take a deeper look at this Monday Motivation video:

In a nutshell:

• God has called us to have houses of Acts.

• In the book of Acts there were two houses where miracles, signs, wonders occurred and angels visited them often (Simon’s house and John Mark’s house).

• Jesus didn’t say signs and wonders will follow the apostles or prophets who believe, He said these signs will follow those who believe. (Mark 16)

• I have a vision that every neighborhood would have watchmen on the walls who move in miracles signs and wonders.

• Imagine a world where people come into your house sick and they leave healed, they come in with a destroyed marriage and they leave reconciled, or they come in demonized and they leave free.

• Nehemiah rebuilt the walls of a broken city by assigning families to certain parts of the wall.

• In chapter three of Nehemiah he refers to a house where the might men lived. How amazing would it be if mighty men lived in the house down the street from you? That’s neighborhood watch on steroids!

• Let’s be those mighty men—rebuilding walls, bringing strength to the community, and walking with faith!


I think the movie, The Incredibles, paints a beautiful metaphor of what “normal Christianity” could look like—a family of superheroes, each with their own unique gifting, living undercover and yet saving the world. Could we be heroes, like them?

This week I want to challenge you to think about what this could look like in your own life. How can you create a culture of miracles in your own home? How do you plan to make your life one that leaves people transformed by the love of Jesus? Will you be brave this week to step out and take a risk in faith? I’d love to hear how you plan to challenge yourself in the comments! Or share any testimonies of miracles you’ve experienced in your home!

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