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Kris Vallotton
August 6, 2017
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The college debt crisis in America is shocking to me. We live in such a performance-based culture that we think if we send our kids to college (and spend thousands of dollars to do so), they’ll figure out what they want to do. I talk to so many people going to college who have no idea what they’re doing there, what to study, or what they “want to be.” Education is amazing! I always say that I want to go to a medical doctor with all of the best credentials and experience. I really value higher education and I’m not saying college is bad. In fact, I think it serves a great purpose. I’m simply saying that having a degree isn’t the answer to the question, “What am I made for?”

Sending our young people to college to figure out what they want to do with their life seems backwards to me. We must first teach them who they are before we can expect them to know what they are called to do. And for those of you reading this who are beyond your college years, the question may remain the same–do you first know who you are, and then what God has called you to do?

Today I want to challenge you to hold onto this thought: You are first a human being before you are ever a human doing. What would your week look like if you took on every task and challenge from a solid identity in God?

As you ponder these questions this week, here are a few things to keep in mind:

• God has a purpose for your life!

• If you find your people, you’ll find your destiny.

• We must train and equip with deployment in mind! We need to help our young people know who they are and what they’re supposed to be doing, and then train and equip them.

• Answering these three questions are keys to finding your destiny: Who am I? Who am I supposed to be with? And what am I supposed to be doing?


I want to encourage you today that no matter where you are in life, young or old, God wants to give you a degree in your identity as His child. He’s already called and qualified you. He’s already pleased with and proud of you. There’s nothing you can do to make Him more more less in love with you. And I am sure that you can’t mess this all up!

If you’re way beyond your college years, it’s never too late to start learning who God says you are. Or, if you’re parenting young people then you have the incredible opportunity to teach them who they are, before asking them to figure out what they want to do. Or maybe you’re in college and reading this; my encouragement to you is that God has you there for a reason, the pressure to figure it out by yourself is off, and He will direct you into the plans He has over your life! I bless you with peace in the revelation of who you are today and I pray you would hold onto your identity no matter what comes at you this week!

I also wanted to let you know that my new Destined to Win E-Course launches tomorrow on Bethel TV. I created this course to help people learn what God’s purpose is for their lives. I’d love for you to join me in this six-week course! To sign up, or find out more visit: If you’ll be joining me for the E-Course, let me know in the comments!

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