Has the political climate caused you to want to shrink back and pose preconceived ideas about political agendas or judge governmental ideologies? Maybe you have even made statements such as, “I hate politics”, yet your blood still boils when you consider the state of society or the injustices that surround you. There is a reason the injustices, immorality, and evil in our world affect us in a deep and emotional place; we were created to bring light to the dark places of society. We were created to be the light of the world not to stay within the four walls tending to our comfortability and compatibility.
Now, trust me, there is understandable frustration when it comes to trusting the government. But, I would argue that the reason so many have lost trust in the government is not because there is a justified reason, but rather because they placed too much hope in it in the first place. The government was not created to be our Savior; it’s not in place to dictate our heart posture.
I recently sat down for a conversation with my friend and public affairs expert,
Denise Gitsham to discuss the fear and hatred of the government that has infiltrated the heart of our nation. Denise carries an inspiring and hope-filled message for political involvement and unity in the Body of Christ.
I truly believe the Lord has given His people solutions that will shape culture and strategy that will impact the course of human history. I’d propose that one of the most practical ways to transform culture is to influence the laws that are shaping the world we live in. It is important that we exercise our right to vote, get involved in local government and run for office. However, if we are going to bring the kingdom to earth we must ditch the political spirit and its divisive nature and join our value systems to the kingdom of Heaven. Let me be clear, there is nothing wrong with believing and sharing in fundamental, moral, and ideological beliefs as a specific political party. However, I have seen firsthand the infectious and contagious nature of the political spirit. It has plagued our nation and tried to take root in my own heart. It has one mission: to cause division among the children of God and confusion in the hearts of men.
The kingdom of God is inclusive of all people; it does not have an “us versus them” mentality. The spirit of God has one vision and one mission to love all people and all parties; it is not a respecter of political parties. The challenge is that we live in a world where it has become normal to demonize people of different political parties. The Lord is not a Republican nor is He a Democrat; He is not afraid to use the unlikely ones of society or the foolish to humble the wise.
I pray that you are encouraged this week as you listen to my conversation with Denise to take a bold step into the realm of government.
Discover Denise Gitsham's upcoming book, 'Politics for People Who Hate Politics: How to Engage without Losing Your Friends or Selling Your Soul.,' set to release on November 14th. Get a sneak peek and secure your preorder now.