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Kris Vallotton
June 11, 2021


The prophetic can feel like an unknown box of uncertainty filled with mystified movements and misunderstood ministries. Yet, I’d propose it is one of the greatest gifts that Christ gave the Church with the purpose to bring clarity and comfort. Have you ever questioned the legitimacy of a prophetic word, or if someone is really a prophet? Maybe you’ve even questioned if you, yourself are a prophet or maybe one of your family members is. 

I understand the uncertainty and questions about the prophetic and around prophecy— I walked a journey in the prophetic without resources or training for 20 years. I had an encounter with the Lord where he spoke to me and told me: “I have called you to be a prophet to the nations.” You can imagine the weight of the word, but the confusion that followed as I walked a road uncertain of how I would arrive at the promise. I did not have any tools, resources, or a prophetic community that surrounded me; all I knew is I needed to prepare for the promise. 

For years, events and encounters would happen in my life that I did not have an understanding for, but I did not use the misunderstanding to invalidate the prophetic call on my life, rather I pressed into the promise and pursued to understand the call that was on my life. Let me be clear, the road was not always easy and I didn’t always do the best job, but I was faithful to the word from the Lord. What I am getting at is, so often the prophetic is misunderstood and put on the shelf. In 1 Corinthians 14 it says prophecy is a gift from God; it is freely given to the Church with immense purpose. Instead of placing the prophetic in the box of uncertainty, I challenge you to open the gift you have been given — pull it out and place it in the box of learning and discerning. I would encourage you to ask questions and find healthy community that edifies and exhorts you. 

Last week I shared the difference between a prophetic gifting vs. a prophetic calling. You sent in some questions so in this week’s video blog I answered some of your most commonly asked questions on the prophetic. 


Question 1: If a prophecy doesn’t come true, does it always mean that it didn’t come from the Lord? 

In short, no. When a prophecy doesn’t come true it doesn’t mean that it wasn’t from the Lord. However, it’s a bit more complex than that – there are different dimensions to prophecy. Sometimes there are prerequisites to prophesy. Think about the children of Israel for example; one and a half million people made the exodus from Egypt to the promised land. However, only two people that had originally received the prophecy arrived in the promised land. According to Hebrews, they did not unite the word with faith. 

The challenge in providing a definite “always or never” answer on a subject like this is that the Bible teaches through truths held in tension; it’s not clear cut in the lines of comfortability we often desire to live in. But, the truth is this is often for our benefit; the Word of God is powerful even when we live in the “safe” spaces we create. 

Deuteronomy 18:22 says, “When the prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, and the thing does not happen or come true, that is the thing which the Lord has not spoken. The prophet has spoken it presumptuously; you are not to be afraid of him.” We stand with two truths held in one hand — there are both circumstances that would entail a prophecy not coming to pass because of a presumptuous prophet. In the same hand, as we saw in the story of the Egyptians, there are times that there are more variables at play in a prophecy than simply a word from God. Faith, the action of God’s people, events, and prerequisites all play a part in seeing a prophetic word come to fruition. 

Question 2: My son/daughter is very interested in the prophetic. How can I help him/her grow in this?

I am immediately reminded of the story of Samuel and Eli in 1 Samuel. Eli had been teaching and training Samuel to hear the Lord’s voice before he even had a relationship with God. I would encourage you to cultivate the prophetic in your home; begin asking questions to your children so that even before they may have a relationship with God they know that they can hear His voice; this is the prophetic culture I raised my children and grandchildren in. Maybe you’re not surrounded by a prophetic community but cultivating the prophetic in your home and inspiring them to have conversation with the Lord is the first step. I would challenge you to ask your children questions like, if Jesus walked in the room today, what would Jesus say to you? Or, What did you dream about last night? The truth is, children do not have a junior Holy Spirit; building anticipation and awareness that they will hear from the Lord is the first step. 

Question 3: What is the best way to practice hearing God’s voice clearly? 

I would challenge you to consider how you approach prayer — is it solely a time to request and repent or is it a time to tune in and take in what the Lord is saying to you? I’d propose that many of us need an overhaul on our approach to prayer. One of the most important parts of prayer is not the request you make but the response you receive. It is a time to listen and hear from the Lord. I would encourage you to ask the Lord questions and listen for His response. Now, let me be clear, it is important to talk to God about what you need. For example, the Lord’s prayer is filled with requests. However, I would encourage you to examine if in prayer you spend time to hear the voice of God. 

Question 4: How do you hear, see or feel prophetic information God gives you? What are some main examples?

After many years of conversation with the Lord, I learned that there are several languages in the Spirit. I don’t just hear the Lord in dreams or from His audible voice. Over the years the Lord has spoken to me in many different ways. I initially even heard the audible voice of God before I even knew God. The truth is, more times than not, hearing the voice of the Lord has not been a big grandiose announcement or personal visitation; it has been His still small voice in my day or in reading scripture. I would challenge you to become aware of Him talking to you in your daily time with Him. When we begin to expect the Lord to speak to us in one fashion or about one area of our lives, we limit the infinite power of God to move through our lives and thus place the Creator of heaven and earth in a box. He is inviting you into a relationship with Him that goes beyond and expands above any structure or system we have created for Him to speak in. 

If you have a desire to be equipped or accelerate your prophetic calling I encourage you to register for The School of the Prophets 2021. The School of the Prophets is a great opportunity to join other leaders from all over the world in a 4.5-day training event (from August 2nd-6th in both Redding, CA, and online) for prophets, highly prophetic people, and church leaders to learn how to advance and increase your prophetic call. My heart is to see prophets step up to the plate, be equipped in their calling, engage in the world’s darkest circumstances, and get deployed in your divine destiny.

How has the prophetic impacted your life? I would love to hear in the comments below. 

Lastly, my prayer for you is that in your time with the Lord this week you would experience the closeness of His voice and the clarity and comfort that it brings. 

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