Have you ever considered the amount of faith it took to advance the most transformative inventions in the world today? Consider sitting with the discovery that light is an electromagnetic wave knowing you would have to convince people that something completely invisible to the human eye was powerful enough to cause light to shine!
This brilliant finding catapulted modern science and has been the foundation of inventions such as the light bulb, wifi, and radar. In a sphere of humanistic values and atheistic beliefs, the scientist James Clerk Maxwell ventured into uncharted territories with the belief that the seen world was made from the unseen (Hebrews 11:3) and thus discovered electromagnetic waves.
I love how my friend and CEO of Bethel Tech, Ryan Collins says it, “So, how did humanity get to the point that we could operate in an unseen realm if we didn’t know that it first existed? Unless, of course, a precedent was set in modern science in which humans thought and functioned in a hidden realm to pull unseen ideas and solutions into our natural world. Our modern world was built on the shoulders of Maxwell’s spiritual intelligence.”
I wanted to refresh a conversation I had with Ryan Collins back in 2022 where we discussed what the Lord is doing in the tech space and how spiritual intelligence is influencing science in the modern day. In this episode of Cultural Catalysts, Ryan shared how the Lord told him, “I am redeeming the tech space so that all would taste my goodness.”
Some might believe that the technology sphere has been overtaken by humanistic belief systems, and are afraid that there's no hope for modern technology to give glory to the Master Engineer. The truth is, the devil will counterfeit anything that is powerful; he hijacked the science sphere to point back to humanistic ability instead of the Creator. I’d propose that we are on the cusp of another epoch season that will point back to the origin of creation; this season will advance us forward into the discovery of greater inventions.
The Lord is raising up modern pioneers that are catalysts of cultural change, agents of sanctified solutions, and revivalists revealing the goodness of God in every sphere of society. As a Believer through Christ’s redemptive power, you are equipped with a divine advantage — access to the thoughts of God; the very One who knows everything.
You have been endowed with an intellect beyond the natural realm and wisdom outside of human reasoning.
I want to encourage you today no matter your sphere of influence, the Lord has equipped you with armor that will withstand any scheme of the enemy. He’s given you intelligence that will surpass any problem you face and is eager to share with you insights and innovations for this day and age. If you are interested in developing your spiritual intelligence for practical purposes on the earth, I want to encourage you to check out the
Spiritual Intelligence Institute. At the SQ Institute, we offer courses that empower you to think beyond human reasoning and access the thoughts of God in real-time, increasing your capacity for spiritual intelligence.