I was a part of the turnkey-kid generation; children raised by babysitters instead of
a mom and dad. But now the machines are nurturing our children. That’s right! Video games have taken the place of real people! And do you know who wrote the software that is keeping your children company? You guessed it, the people who were raised by babysitters! Ironic, isn’t it?
We used to watch sci-fi movies about the machines taking over the world, and we all thought it was just entertainment at the time. Little did we know that those machines would someday be left alone to train our children. Nowadays most kids know their machines better than they know their folks!
Why do you think these kids are killing their classmates and assassinating their teachers? It just might be because they have exchanged video skills for life skills. They are ignorant of the things we used to learn in kindergarten. Things like: share with others, say you’re sorry, take turns on the swings, don’t hit people, don’t make fun of others, have quiet time, etc. Machines might be able to teach our kids math and science, but they can’t explain to them how to love their neighbors as themselves!
I play basketball at the YMCA twice a week. Some of the kids at the Y play the game with their earbuds crammed into their heads and plugged into an iPod. They’re even afraid of connecting with the people they are playing ball with. WE MUST CORRECT THIS! We are raising a generation that is severely lacking people skills! I fear they are going to drown their own families in the sea of isolation.
It’s time to rage against the machines! We can beat them…we really can, because love is incalculable, unpredictable, and irresistible. Love never fails, but the machines shall become darkened in their understanding, and their processors shall pale in pity, as powerful humans are enlightened with passion and ignited with purpose!
How do you manage the balance of technology and relationships in your life? Do you struggle with this? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.