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Kris Vallotton
June 6, 2023


Imagine with me for a minute the sad scene from a movie where a child gets ready for their long-awaited birthday party. They’ve sent out invites, decorated the house, set out all the party food and eagerly awaits the arrival of their friends. But, as the clock ticks by they begin to wonder if this will be like all the times before…will my friends fail to show up again? Will my dreams for this year fail to be fulfilled? 

The truth is, often we are like this small child
waiting on the porch of our prophetic destiny, wondering if anyone else sees the call on our life, desperate to avoid the familiar disappointment of rejection. 

One of the most painful things that can happen when you know you’re made for something great is for your leaders not to see or recognize what you know
in the depths of your heart to be true. I see this happen to a lot of prophetic people! 

The truth is, I know this feeling well. 

I had an encounter with God years ago that changed my life forever. As I laid in my bathtub one night Jesus walked into my bathroom and told me, “You’re a great leader. You’re going to be a prophet to kings, prime ministers, and governors.” You may think that is incredible or wish God would walk into your room and give you clarity on your calling. Truly it was one of the most significant encounters I have had, but I wish I could say that was all it took to catapult me into my destiny.

Instead, I was left with this weighty word from the Lord and no idea how it would come to fruition. Yes, I was given a mission that day; my life became filled with purpose and I began wrestling with all that had been handed to me in that encounter — yet,
I had no idea where to begin. Maybe you haven’t had this exact same encounter but maybe you have felt called or have received countless prophetic words that have given you purpose, but lack the blueprint or instructions in order to be able to accomplish it. 

Well, the truth is this process of discovery lasted for 20 years before the promise God spoke to me was acknowledged! You can imagine the rollercoaster ride this was. But, I want to remind you that
the process is just as important as the promise. 


Let’s take a look at an incredible example of the power of the prophetic process. A story you may be well acquainted with; the story of Esther. Esther arrives on the scene a young Jewish woman, the adopted daughter, and cousin of Mordecai from the tribe of Benjamin. She is one of the selected young virgins to be placed before the king to be chosen as a replacement for queen Vasht,i the banished wife of the king. 

Esther quickly wins favor with the chief eunuch, Hegai. when her turn came to spend the night with the king, he fell in love with her and appointed her to be his chosen queen. The choice was made — she was called to rule and reign, she had won favor with the king, and her future would be determined within the dwellings of the palace. Despite all this, there still was a process that was before her. 

Esther did not become a powerful princess that changed history overnight.
She underwent a prophetic process that prepared her for the palace of her purpose and destiny. Even after the call on her life was clarified, she underwent a 6-month preparation process where she was lathered in oil and myrrh to cleanse and purify her body. She was not just beautified, but purified. So often, this is the very process we must go through in order to effectively step into our destiny.


However, I want to point out a common temptation — often we try to figure out a way to get around the process and get through to the palace before we’re supposed to. The truth is you won’t be able to stay there if you arrive by a fist fight at the improper time. It’s the process that gives you the character you need to stay in the palace.

Having been the guy in the palace, I can tell you that the palace isn’t any better than the process when you have Jesus. You may think “When I get to the palace, life will be so amazing,” or “When I’m finally recognized I will be happy,” or “If they’d just put me on stage I will finally feel fulfilled…” However, this kind of thinking will cause you to miss the joy of the process.
The palace is great but the journey is great too. Jesus is in both!

I want to encourage you today that if you have felt lost on the journey or hopeless in the pursuit of your calling, the very process you are on is preparing you for your destiny. You are gaining the tools necessary and the strength that will sustain you. 


Have you found yourself in the prophetic process? Uncertain the steps to take or how to refine, advance, or mature your prophetic calling. I want to invite you to School of the Prophets this August 7-11, 2023. At this 4.5-day-long intensive training school, prophets and highly prophetic people gather from all over the world to be equipped in their calling, deployed into their divine destiny, and gain confidence in their prophetic identity. The focus of this school is to not only teach but activate you practically into a prophetic lifestyle and prepare you to effectively influence your unique metron to prepare the way for cultural change. You can register for both the in-person or online experience here.

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