The Lord is raising up modern pioneers that are catalysts of cultural change, agents of sanctified solutions, and revivalists revealing the goodness of God in every sphere of society. As a Believer through Christ’s redemptive power, you are equipped with a divine advantage — access to the thoughts of God; the very One who knows everything.
You have been endowed with an intellect beyond the natural realm and wisdom outside of human reasoning.
I want to encourage you today no matter your sphere of influence, the Lord has equipped you with armor that will withstand any scheme of the enemy. He’s given you intelligence that will surpass any problem you face and is eager to share with you insights and innovations for this day and age. If you are interested in developing your spiritual intelligence for practical purposes on the earth, I want to encourage you to check out the
Spiritual Intelligence Institute. At the SQ Institute, we offer courses that empower you to think beyond human reasoning and access the thoughts of God in real-time, increasing your capacity for spiritual intelligence.