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Kris Vallotton
August 10, 2022


This week we are in the midst of School of the Prophets; a week-long intensive training school. This is one of my favorite times of the year as prophets and highly prophetic people gather together to pursue the presence of God and receive fresh vision and revelation for the current season. 

On opening night, as we began to worship, a synergy filled the room and stirred our hearts as we approached the first session. 

In the inaugural session of School of the Prophets 2022, I felt it pressed upon my heart to share an intimate and transparent message as I pulled back the curtain and shared what the Lord has recently spoken to me about for this season. 

I don’t believe this word was only for those in the room but is for the global Church in this very moment. We have all faced an extremely unique moment in history during the last couple of years. We’ve had to make difficult decisions as leaders, families, and individuals as we have fought for survival.  But, I’d propose when you can see what the Lord is creating out of the pain of your present - the temporary trial is worth the beauty that will come tomorrow. Just as the sculptor Michelangelo saw the angel trapped within marble and set out to free it from the stone, if you look at the path before you with vision for tomorrow, so much more will seem possible when you face the present pain because vision gives pain a purpose.
Something happens when you actually know what you’re going through. You’re either chipping stone or you’re freeing angels. And the difference isn’t what you do but in the purpose of what you’re doing! What I am getting at is that we are not going through a transition, we are going through a metamorphosis. 

No longer will immature and amateur thinking sustain the length of our new wings formed in the cocoon of despair.
It is time to shake off the encumbrances of the past for engines of the future. We must seek to build on the foundations of our elementary teachings to accomplish the Kingdom’s vision and see a global reformation. We have not been called to sit in the comfort of what we know, but rather to lay brick on brick and begin preaching the gospel of the Kingdom.



I believe that the Lord is using the prophets to lead the metamorphosis of this season, but we cannot rely on the protocols of the past. Rather, we must lead from the future-present. Our normal has to become living from Heaven to earth where we build a culture of people known for their moonshot and not their earthly dwelling. 

My prayer for you in this season is that you would become caught up in Heaven’s vision as you grow into the wings of reformation that exist on the other side of metamorphosis. I encourage you to ask God for vision for this season because you have been called to be a voice of prophetic reformation in a generation that is lacking direction.

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