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Kris Vallotton
June 19, 2020
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 Have you ever wondered where all the prophets have gone? I ask you this because, in the days of the prophet Elijah, there arose a company of men who were called the “sons of the prophets” (Kings 20:35). These men traveled throughout the world ravaging the powers of darkness, wreaking havoc on evil kingdoms. They had no tolerance for the destructive behavior of wicked kings but rather turned many to righteousness. They raised the dead, healed the sick, parted rivers, destroyed false prophets, and saw revival spread throughout their land. They were feared by many and respected by all. They walked in great purity, and God was their friend

Think about it. At one point in time, prophets were the cultural catalysts that radically influenced kings and the nations thereof. They were not predominantly found in the confines of the church equipping the saints. Let me be clear; I'm not saying that shaping culture is more important than building up the saints. No, in fact, the "sons of prophets" that I mentioned earlier were students of an equipping and training school that the prophet Samuel started (1 Samuel). But that's the point, isn't it? The sons of prophets, including their trainers, were out in the world doing what they had been trained and anointed to do— influencing culture and changing the minds of nations

I propose the reason morality is going to hell in this nation is that modern-day prophets aren’t influencing culture like the prophets of old did. I spoke in-depth about this on the opening night of School of the Prophets 2019 and I want to share it with you because I believe God is calling out to those who have forgotten their mandate, abandoned their mission, and allowed satan to intimidate them into silence for far too long:   

As someone who has been prophetically equipping believers for over 25 years, I’ve also been actively engaged in my city, my nation, and stepped into challenging God-ordained moments with leaders of tremendous power. So, consider the weight of my words when I say, the moral decay that we see in society is happening on our watch! It’s time for God’s prophets to awaken the Church to her glorious call and provoke the people of God to action.  


This week I encourage you to spend some time with the Holy Spirit. If you feel that in some shape or form the enemy caused you to abandon your assignment, then remember the One who has called you; the One who is with you. Take some time and lean into God’s presence and allow Him to reawaken the call on your life that the world so desperately needs. 


Dan McCollam- co-founder of the School of the Prophets and I announced some very exciting news yesterday about School of the Prophets 2020. If you missed it, watch our video announcement here as we share some incredible updates about our annual equipping and training school. 

We believe this year will be the best School of the Prophets yet, as God is awakening prophets, prophetic people, leaders, and solutionaries, to proactively engage in the world and bring light to the darkest of circumstances! I encourage you to join us for School of the Prophets 2020 and get trained and deployed into your divine destiny to be a cultural catalyst! Learn more and register here. 

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