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Kris Vallotton
July 31, 2020
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As I've been preparing for School of the Prophets 2020, there is a stirring in my spirit to equip Believers to lead with wisdom and power through the historical moments that are unfolding all around us. Why? Because we were created for days like these! As faith-filled Believers, we've been empowered by the Spirit of the Living God to lead the way in times of crisis and cut through the chaos with prophetic clarity. That’s why this week I’ve invited the Associate Overseer of Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry and powerful young prophetess, Hayley Braun — who will be speaking at the upcoming School of the Prophets on August 3rd-7th — to give us prophetic insight on the collective crisis we’ve all experienced, and to shed some light on what God has in store for His people. I hope this convicting word will inspire you to arise and shine as the solutionary God created you to be. 


2020 has brought incredibly trying circumstances across the globe. These challenges have shaken much around us and within us, reminding me of Paul’s words found in Hebrews 12:26-27: “At that time his voice shook the earth, but now he has promised, “Once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens. The words “once more” indicate the removing of what can be shaken—that is, created things—so that what cannot be shaken may remain.” 

Although there has been an incredible shaking this season, I have not been able to forget the words I received from the Lord: that “we would see clearly, with 2020 vision,” and that it is “the year of the mouth declaring LIFE.” And while these trying times have been painful for many, I cannot escape the clarity amid the chaos that I have found, even the shift in perspectives and priorities that I want to share with you. 

It started when I experienced a glorious glimpse into what I believe was the heart of God. In this encounter, I felt a deep sense of the Lord grieving over His body. I saw that labels had been wrongly created and placed on entire people groups, individual people, and even ourselves. These labels were constricting the flow of “blood” to the whole body of Christ and cut-off empathy which gave way for apathy to set in. Then I saw the Lord begin to strip these labels off. One by one, He pulled them off of mindsets, belief systems, and even removed labels that had been placed on our eyes, blinding us. With each label He pulled away, He declared new names over us, and that’s when I experienced a profound sense that in this season God would be ushering His people into a time of awakening and when we open our eyes, we will begin to see as He sees. 

As Jesus works to remove the preconceived ideas (or labels) that we’ve picked up from culture and as we surrender to Him, we will begin to see the world through the eyes and compassion of Jesus once again. We will know His value for each person in His body. And as this happens, God’s connecting force will revive His body awake; the “blood” will begin to flow to places that had been “cut off” and as circulation in the Body begins working again, we will experience that “pins and needles” can almost be unbearable, but know this is not a sign of something negative happening. This uncomfortable feeling is a sign that life coming back to us! I don’t know about you, but I am feeling some of that, that prickly feeling! The dams of disconnection and disagreement are being torn down in the spirit and the release of the lifeblood of Jesus flowing through every extremity is being felt. 

We are in the midst of a fresh awakening! Understanding what the Lord is doing in this hour, gives us prophets the privilege of declaring what Heaven is shouting; we have the honor of speaking out over the earth the declarations of our King and seeing the kingdoms of this world begin to transform and look like the Kingdom of our God. 

The Lord is moving on the planet in a mighty way, and the evidence of His work will be a deep and unshakable hunger for Him. There will be a desire in His people to meet with Jesus face to face; a pursuit of intimacy for no other benefit than to know Him. It will not be seeking the Lord for the gifts of His hands, but to actually know His ways and not just His works. Maybe you’ve noticed that there is a refining and a repentance taking place among the masses right now? A sweet repentance; one that has been ongoing for me, where I have had the honor and privilege of exchanging my thoughts for His, my expectations for His, my desire for perfection to His absolute perfection. This repentance takes the responsibility off of ourselves to shape us and places us back into the Potter's hands - where the Artist and Creator will form and mold us into vessels built for one thing- to house Him, His very presence. 

In closing, my prayer is this: Lord do it in me first! Remove the limitations and labels from my mind and remove the impossibilities and hopelessness from my heart. Make me an instrument of your peace and reconciliation, attune my ears to your voice so that I can release with authority what you are longing to be seen. Raise up a generation who love you and love like you. Teach us your ways Lord so we can walk in the truth. Holy Spirit, unite us as a body and bring alignment in our thoughts and conviction of our hearts. I give you permission to awaken me!

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