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Kris Vallotton
September 29, 2022


Have you ever found yourself frustrated by your attention span, unable to focus much longer than a few minutes, scrolling your phone endlessly, moving from one ambition to the next hoping to find a cure that will satisfy your current desire? 

Our culture has become engulfed in the flame of immediate gratification. Society has shifted from any need to wait, causing an aversion to patience and a disregard to understanding how what you invest in now will impact your future. Now, let me be clear, I am not saying that problems with patience and restlessness didn’t exist before the 21st century, but there used to be a greater focus on what you were leaving behind - an art we must learn in modern times. 

Galatians 6:7-9 says, “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”
That scripture says that at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. The previous generation understood that perseverance and waiting is a part of life. It’s also a part of growing and building something that will last!

Another scripture that reinforces the culture of inheritance is “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children” (Proverbs 13:22). There it is again: a noble man’s challenge is to step up to the plate and build an inheritance in the present that will bless his children


I want to share with you an encounter I had with the Lord that changed my perspective: 

In 2004 I was lying on the floor, praying in the Alabaster Prayer House at Bethel Church, when all of the sudden I was thrust 100 years into the future in a vision. I know that might sound strange, but let me explain. I found myself standing next to an old man in the living room of a beautiful, massive mansion. I could see the elderly man perfectly, but he couldn’t see me. It seemed as if it was Thanksgiving or something. The excitement of a large family gathering was in the air. The adults talked and laughed, as the kids played. The elderly gentleman, encircled with several generations of family, was enthusiastically telling stories, mostly musing over the past, as old men often do. Tears formed in his eyes as he looked off into the distance, as though he was trying to recall some ancient secret. He spoke of the huge sacrifice their forefathers had paid to obtain such favor, wealth, and influence with God and man. But it was what he did next that stunned me. He pointed to a majestic stone fireplace that rose about thirty feet to a vaulted ceiling. I turned my gaze toward the fireplace mantle, where a large, beautiful portrait of Kathy and me hung. I was breathless as he finished his exhortation: “All of this began with your great-great-great-grandmother and great-great-great-grandfather!”

After this encounter, I had one of those kinds of moments, where it feels like your seatbelt locked and struck you back against your seat as the brake pedal hit the ground. The things that don’t matter come falling off and everything that does come racing to the front of your mind. These kinds of moments make us realize what we are living for. My understanding of inheritance and legacy changed after this experience. I’ve lived most of my life as if racing ahead to the next thing; pressing the gas full force worried that time was running out and things were coming to an end. I didn’t grow up in a home that ever spoke about inheritance or investing in your future. My father died when he was 24 without a life insurance policy or anything to leave behind. But, Kathy and I had such a strong conviction that we needed to build a legacy for our family's future generations, which initially was a financial investment toward each grandchild. But, later we realized that more than just a financial investment, your revelation is a spiritual inheritance - you might say an intellectual property. Moses said, “The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our sons forever” (Deuteronomy 29:29).

I understand you may not have a family of your own yet or maybe you have taken practical steps towards leaving an inheritance for your family. But, I want to challenge you to question what is it that will be said about you when you're gone. How will the choices you are making today affect the future generations? What seeds are you sowing that your legacy will reap? Inheritance is important in the Kingdom of God.


We are living in the most fatherless generation in history. You may have even experienced this yourself — whether your dad was completely absent from the home or just wasn’t emotionally available when you needed him most. These experiences shape who we are and often affect us into our adulthood. If your father exited the family ship you may have been left to brace the storms of life alone. Or maybe you had a present father, but you didn’t know how to connect to him. Ultimately, this affects the way we interact with ourselves, the world, and Father God.

In the launch of my new book, I felt led to highlight the stories of some of the most trusted voices in my life that are shaping the course of history — fathers, mothers, sons, and daughters that have healed the wounds of fatherlessness, overcome the barriers of brokenness, and stepped into the role of a healthy parent. 

I want to invite you to join the exclusive five-part video series — The Father Series: Stories of Hope for a Fatherless Generation. 

Here is how to register: 
  1. Pre-order your copy of Uprising 
  2. Register for the Father Series
  3. Check your email and receive access to join the conversation on Oct 25, 2022
What does the Father Series include?
  • Five videos of hope-filled stories for a fatherless generation from individuals that are shaping history directly to your inbox.
  • Daily thought-provoking questions to help you engage in your own story. 
  • Access to a private Facebook group to help cultivate space for catalytic conversation on the topic of fatherlessness that could inspire a revolution.
Join us and become filled with hope for what the Lord is doing in this generation! 

I hope to see you there!
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