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Kris Vallotton
January 29, 2017
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Most of us would probably argue that we would never trust the devil. But it might not occur to us that putting our faith in anyone or anything besides God creates only symptomatic cures and is actually idolatry. An idol is anything you trust more than you trust God, or anything you have to check with before you say yes to God.

In my own life, I have struggled at times with the fear of death. If I have some negative physical symptom, I immediately go to the doctor to find out what is wrong and what can be done to help cure me. Let me clearly state that I am in no way opposed to seeing a doctor when you are sick. Jesus Himself said that those who are sick need a physician (see Matthew 9:12). But after all the tests are run and the results are in, we still have to decide if we will trust God or man.


It is so important that we do not confuse the facts with the truth. Physicians, for example, are trained to give us the facts. It is their job to diagnose our condition and identify the best treatment based on their training, experience and the available information. But the truth—what God says about a situation or condition—overrides the facts. A doctor should never have the final word, therefore, on our condition or treatment. We must always consult the Great Physician and be guided by His prognosis before we ever subject ourselves to the medical profession.
We often fear the worst when we visit the doctor or find ourselves in some other situation in which we feel powerless.


Is it not true that all anxiety, fear and torment in a Christian’s life can be traced back to the fact that we have forgotten who we are and/or whose we are? Self-importance will not withstand the enemy’s assaults; in fact, pride comes before a fall. But true confidence in God’s work in our lives shields us from the flaming arrows of fear, terror and torment. Nehemiah’s cure for his people’s anxiety was simply to “remember the Lord who is great and awesome” (Nehemiah 4:14). Fear dismembers and disfigures our perspective of God, making Him seem a powerless pawn controlled by our circumstances. But when we re-member the Lord and re-count His works, we begin to re-form our vision of His greatness in our hearts. As we meditate on His greatness, confidence begins to sprout in the soil of our faith, and soon fear’s fantasy is unmasked, flogged and sent fleeing.

The Bible says, “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love” (1 John 4:18). Think about it: if our Daddy is God and He made everything in the universe simply by speaking it into existence, and He happens to love us enough to die for us, then it stands to reason that worry is completely irrational.

The goal of all enemy assaults is to scare us out of our divine destiny. If you are dealing with anxiety, torment, fear, low self-esteem, depression or any other negative emotion, it is very likely that you have forgotten that the Creator of the universe loves you. Do not entertain the enemy’s questions about how valuable you are. As Pastor Bill Johnson says, “Any thought that does not inspire hope is rooted in a lie.” Let’s stop believing lies! Let’s embrace the truth and live in peace!

How do you combat fear in your own life? What are you remembering about God today to combat any anxiety you may be facing? I’d love to hear in the comments!

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