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Kris Vallotton
December 14, 2021
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What would it look like if prophecy ventured out of the four walls of the Church and seeped into every sphere of society? Can you imagine walking into boardrooms where financial bankers were practicing Kingdom economics? Or into educational classrooms where teachers were creating a curriculum that would impact a generation? 

Have we subconsciously subjugated prophecy to solely minister to Believers during Sunday services? I want to challenge you to ask yourself, have we boxed in the Creator of the universe to fit a mold of comfortability and conformity and forgotten He cares for every part of society? 

I recently sat down for a conversation with my good friend and prophetess Stacey Campbell. Stacey shared how her life was radically transformed when she went from a cessationist to a prophetess. A world that once felt restricted and reduced to a watered-down gospel became the fire that ignited a ministry called Shiloh that equips Believers all around the world in prophetic ministry. Stacey travels the world gathering individuals from all spheres of society that have seen the success of a transformative gospel unfold in their metron.

In the last 20 years God has been teaching us specifically about prophecy we have become experts at planning prophetic gatherings and creating prophetic departments — we equipped the saints. (Ephesians 4:11-13). Now let me be clear, the work of a prophet is to equip the saints for the ministry; there is nothing wrong or evil about prophetic departments and gatherings. Rather, they are vital to the fruition and fulfillment of our Heavenly mandate. But, I’d propose that God now wants to take us beyond the four walls of the Church. I want to challenge you; do you have faith that God can move in your workplace like you have seen him move on Sunday mornings or that He can move in your family the same way you have seen him move at prophetic meetings?

Through the redemptive work of the cross, you have a sanctified spirit that is connected to Heaven and receptive to the power of the Gospel. You are a conduit of Heaven, a companion of the Holy Spirit, and comrade of the Heavenly army — no matter the sphere of influence you are working in, the power of the Gospel is not limited or restricted but desires to touch every area of your life. 

In this week’s episode of Cultural Catalysts, Stacey shares incredible stories of how God has moved in places that have left business leaders, government officials, and industry leaders impacted by the gospel and transformed by the power of prophetic ministry. 



I want to encourage you to turn your ear towards Heaven and ask the Holy Spirit to give you Kingdom revelation for your workplace, home, or relationships. Ask God for specific strategies for areas of your life you have written Him off from or considered yourself the expert in; you have access to the thoughts of God and intelligence that will surpass human understanding.

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