In a nutshell:
I’d propose that if you are in a spiritual battle against the enemy it is vital to double-check your “doors.” The enemy might knock but unless the door is answered he has no way in. There are three ways a door can remain open:
However, if you look at this list, check it off, and clean it up, and yet still experience spiritual warfare
you might just be doing something exactly right. Yes, exactly right! Spiritual warfare is common in the life of a believer. The challenge is when a royal co-heir in Christ begins taking ground in their calling, the enemy trembles at the thought of what they will accomplish. Let me be clear, it is critical that you invite the Holy Spirit into helping you identify the reasoning of the attack. If we misdiagnose, we mistreat and can lose in the fight against the enemy.
As a believer, I urge you to be aware of the attacks of the enemy but not terrified of them. Remember, you are a co-heir in Christ, possessed by God and protected by a heavenly army. If you have weighed out the likelihood of hidden sin, unforgiveness, and false belief systems then I encourage you to receive spiritual warfare as a compliment of the calling on your life. Allow the battle to be a catalyst into your promised land and confidence in your divine destiny. If the battle begins to feel long I encourage you to continually keep the promises of God at the forefront of your mind; don’t lose sight of what He has you, or of the vision for what He has said.
My prayer for you this week is that you would be filled with the peace of God as you feel His protection surround you. I pray that you would be confident in the faithfulness of God in seasons of battle and see His goodness in your life.
My heart goes out to anyone that is battling spiritual warfare and I have so much hope for those waiting for the promises of God to unfold in their lives. What are some ways that you hold to hope in the midst of spiritual warfare? I would love to hear in the comments!