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Kris Vallotton
November 19, 2017
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Have you ever been confused about life and unable to get clarity? Maybe you’ve forgotten your purpose, and need a reminder? Perhaps you don’t know what your next steps are, and you feel restless in the waiting? I find that the busier we get, the easier it is to fall out of alignment… and therefore we can find our souls wandering from meeting to meeting, task to task.

This doesn’t only happen to me in the day-to-day but I’ve also noticed this seeping into how I approach church services. To be perfectly honest, I think I miss out on so much clarity, and maybe even direction from God, because of my lack of focus in church gatherings. My mind wonders to my to-do list, to the conversations I had earlier that day, maybe even to social media…. And that leads to disengaging with the moment I’m actually in. This week I want to encourage you (and myself) to get back in alignment with God. How? By choosing to be present in His presence.

Check out this week’s Monday Motivation video for some encouragement for the week:

In a nutshell:
• I’m in so many services every week, singing the same songs, and it’s so easy to be in the room without being there at all.

• It’s so important to learn to be present in the presence.

• I’m speaking to myself here. We have to make room and allow the Lord to speak to us, and actually see the angels around us instead of the distraction in the room.

• We have one hour of the kind of intensity that we get in a worship set, so imagine what God could say in that time if we truly engaged with His presence.

• Seeing the Lord makes everything clear.

• It makes me think of a song we used to sing a few years back… It went: “At the cross, at the cross where I first saw the light
And the burden of my heart rolled away
It was there by faith I received my sight
And now I am happy all the day…”

• Life can get so busy, but when we get in God’s presence, we get centered and remember the purpose of our season.


If you’re lacking clarity in life then maybe you need to spend some intentional time being present with God. So today I want to encourage you to get alone with Him, even if it’s just for five minutes. Go somewhere without distractions, close your eyes if you have to, turn off your phone if need be, and sit in stillness with your Father. Let Him breathe fresh life over you and refresh your soul. Let Him speak to your questions, doubt, and confusion. I pray you have powerful encounters in God’s presence this week!

Beyond that, what’s one thing you can practically do to be more focused in church? Maybe you need to leave your cell phone at home? Whatever it is, I’d love to hear it in the comments below!

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