Gen Z, labeled as the seemingly lost generation to Christianity, and Gen Alpha, the digital natives immersed in screens, stand at the crossroads of an era defined by the rapid evolution of technology. As they navigate the evolving landscape of identity, both personal and global, a crucial question reverberates: "Has the Church lost this next generation?"
Witnessing these young minds embark on the uncharted waters of technological advancements and boundless online realms, the need for a guiding light through the unknown becomes apparent. With foundational truths constantly under scrutiny and myriad distractions vying for their attention, the stakes are undeniably high.
The concern deepens when confronted with statistics. A General Social Survey (GSS) study revealed that only 31% of Gen Z are confident in the existence of God.
Who is shaping the beliefs of this generation? I propose that technology, particularly the gaming industry, emerges as a significant influencer, surpassing even the combined impact of the movie and music industries with a global valuation of $159.3 billion.
Cassandra, a group specializing in the study of younger consumers, reports that 58% of Gen Alpha, aged 7 to 12, identify themselves as "gamers." An Institute for Family Studies and Wheatley Institute survey discloses that kids aged 11-18 spend an average of 10 hours a day using digital media (gaming, social media, video chat, and texting), excluding television.
It is clear that children are using technology at an unprecedented rate and the gaming industry is helping form their world view. What if, instead of looking at these statistics as hopeless, we see them as an opportunity where God wants to show up in the midst of a technologically advanced society and meet children where they are, which oftentimes is in front of a screen.
I recently sat down for a conversation with Brent Dusing, Founder/CEO of TruPlay, a faith-based entertainment platform, where he shared a hope filled message of how God is using gaming to disciple and transform children’s lives.
I was so inspired hearing his stories; it reminded me of a vision the Lord gave me decades ago where I saw godly video games being used to disciple a generation. Here we are, 20 years later, and God is at work, raising up men and women strategically placed like leaven within the gaming industry, causing a rise in morality and excellence!
As believers, our spiritual vantage point is crucial. We have been raised up in Christ, seated with Him in heavenly places (Ephesians 2:4-6). It's from this place that we not only discern God's voice and action, but also gain a perspective that transcends the apparent challenges. Here we understand that the greatest hurdles in life are often the very arenas where God chooses to showcase His glory!
In the face of uncertainties surrounding Gen Z and Gen Alpha, I distinctly hear the Lord proclaiming that this is the generation of salvation. They are not lost; they are strategically positioned to encounter the unfathomable love and power of God. A mighty move of God is stirring on the horizon, and our role is to be beacons of hope, piercing through the shadows and illuminating the path for the next generation. When that divine spark ignites within their hearts, a world of endless possibilities will be at their fingertips, ready to be shared not just within their immediate circles but with the entire world.
God is calling his church to rise in faith, anchored in the belief that He is not absent in the challenges but actively at work in the midst of them. The destiny of these generations is not one of despair but of divine purpose, and as believers, we play a pivotal role in ushering in the dawn of their encounter with the life-transforming love of Christ.
God is using TruPlay as an avenue to reveal his love to the next generation and we have partnered together to see children impacted for the kingdom. To explore further and discover more about their games and comic books, you can find additional information here.