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Kris Vallotton
December 18, 2020


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Do you consider yourself and your family as people God can use to release miracles, signs and wonders? What if prophetic words, supernatural healings, and anointed worship were normal occurrences in your home? 

It’s our great responsibility as adults to cultivate a supernatural lifestyle in our homes and equip our kids with tools to overcome the schemes of the enemy and advance the Kingdom. But how do we begin? I shared about developing a house of miracles in my recent video blog: 

In a nutshell: 

  • Last Thursday, the Lord told me in a dream: I’m going to turn your house into a House of Acts. That was encouraging to me because when our kids were young, our house was a House of Acts, but we seemed to have lost some of that. 
  • Disney’s movie, “The Incredibles,” tells the story of a family with superpowers, disguised as everyday people. 
  • That movie depicted what Jesus said in John 14:12: “The one who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I am going to the Father.”
  • Believers are disguised as everyday people but we are actually supernatural people! 
  • After I got free from depression, people would hear my testimony and would come to our house for deliverance. 
  • Our kids grew up where delivering people from demons was normal. (If you’re in the midst of a spiritual battle, check out my free Spirit Wars devotional.)
  • Our house became a center for supernatural ministry; our kids saw crazy miracles! You couldn’t convince them that there wasn’t a God because they saw Him move first hand.
  • At a young age, we taught our kids to hear God’s voice by asking them questions like, “If Jesus walked in the room right now, what would He say to that person?” This taught them to not only hear from God but also feel what God feels for His beloved kids. 
  • We wanted our children to be very spiritually aware and have faith that God wanted to talk to them. 
  • The “normal” for a Christian is very different from what’s “normal” for everyone else. 
  • If a child is old enough to have a tormenting dream, they are old enough to be a supernatural warrior! Children do not have a Junior Holy Spirit. 
  • When Nehemiah was rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, he empowered families (children and adults) to work on the wall together. They all had weapons and tools – it was a family affair! 
  • The Lord spoke to me about the “House of Acts” a few years ago. 
  • In Acts 12, Peter was in prison and the apostles were praying for him to be released. 
  • They were at Mary’s house (the mother of John Mark, who wrote the book of Mark). 
  • The angel of the Lord went to the jail and supernaturally released Peter. But when Peter showed up at Mary’s house (where they are literally praying for Peter to be released) they thought he was an angel! 
  • What would happen if we raised up these Houses of Acts - where great men and women come to experience God?
  • I envision young people filling homes. I see mature moms and dads, sharing the gospels and telling their stories. People who are broken will actually experience the power of God and witness the miracles of God in our homes. 
  • God wants us to raise up children that have actually seen and do the works of God.
  • Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way they should go.” How many of us actually press into God and ask what He has planned for our child? 
  • I want to encourage you to think about your children as powerful weapons of warfare (as opposed to being fragile). Start seeing your children through the eyes of God! 


Many of you reading this may have tons of questions about the “how” on raising your kids in a supernatural home, and I want to tell you that’s okay. This week, start with a powerful yet doable step—telling your kids about the God of the impossible. Start with a few testimonies of seeing Him show up in ways that transcend the laws of physics. What miracles can you recall that you can tell your children about? I encourage you to invite them in to pray with you for a miracle your family needs. I bet you’ll see their faith begin to move mountains!

Do you have any testimonies on this subject you could share? In what other ways will you step out and start developing a House of Acts in your own home?  I’d love to hear from you in the comments!

If you’re looking for a resource that you can share with your kids, check out my children’s book, The Ways of Royalty. This book is geared towards kids that are 7+, and will set a foundation for knowing how incredibly valuable they are to the Lord. 

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