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Kris Vallotton
December 11, 2020
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2020 has been a challenging season for the entire globe. Have you been worrying, feeling weary from stress, or overwhelmed by “worst-case scenario” thinking? It can be easy to feel like you’re carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, especially in the midst of the dreadful disarray that has come with 2020. Yet, I want to remind you that God’s got this! In Matthew 6, Jesus told us not to worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself. I’d propose that this isn’t just a fluffy or catchy saying from Jesus. No! Jesus was challenging our faith and reminding us that God knows what we need, and He WILL provide for us!

I spoke about this more on my recent video blog. Check it out here: 

In a nutshell: 

  • In ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭6:25-34, Jesus tells us not to worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. 
  • We’re going to look back 20 years from now and realize that (for most of us) we’re living in the good ol’ days. When we worry about tomorrow, we’re going to miss out on the beauty of today! 
  • Someone once said, “I know worrying works because most of the things I worried about never happened.” 
  • Happiness is an inside job! 
  • You shouldn’t think about tomorrow with today’s grace, because you don’t have grace for tomorrow until you get to tomorrow! 
  • Grace is the operational power of God. You get the grace when you need it!
  • God has actually assigned us encounters for the day.
  • A lot of us are afraid of suffering. Although suffering is painful, God will meet you there and will give you strength. 
  • Whatever you go through, if you stay connected to God, you will grow in ways that will help you in your next season of life. 
  • In Malcolm Gladwell’s book, David & Goliath, he shares that 13 presidents' fathers died before they were 19. The point that Malcolm makes is that many of them said that their own personal greatness happened because they were fatherless. 
  • People often become great because of their suffering. 
  • Weakness actually prepares you for victory! 
  • In the history of the world, Almost 1/3 of the wars were won by the smaller nation: by the ones that should not have been able to win! 
  • Weakness can make you great! Weakness and disability actually creates a new ability! 
  • In this season, there are many things to be worried about on top of daily life – Covid, politics, and racial unrest. But we must remember that God has our futures in His hand.
  • So what should we do? Love God, love people. “Seek first the Kingdom.” (Matthew 6:33)


I’m here to tell you, you may not be feeling it now, but one day you will be thankful you were alive during one of the most significant moments in history. Why? Because you are a witness to God moving mightily not only in the world and in our nation, but in your very own life! 

So, a little advice from an aging man: chillax –– God has you covered!
I want to challenge you to not miss the divine moments that God has for you today. Instead of worrying, let’s seek the Kingdom – love God and love people! May you know the grace that God has given to you today, and may you have faith that He will provide grace for you tomorrow.

Have you been struggling with worrying about your future? What does it look like for you to seek God’s Kingdom? I’d love to hear from you in the comments.

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