But, as is usually the case with the Lord, there is more to this story than meets the eye. Many of us solely focus our attention on the gift of wisdom God granted Solomon and assume it to be the source of his notable success. Still, I propose it’s not wealth, knowledge, or influence that Solomon should be known for; rather, it’s his humility.
In 1 Kings 3:7, we find Solomon lamenting to the Lord that he was now a king, yet, he cried, “I am but a little child; I do not know how to go out or come in.” Did you catch that? The humble heart of the matter is that only in humility can we acknowledge that someone else knows something we don’t , positioning us to receive from them. In other words, the origin of divine wisdom is found on your knees in humility.
Solomon provides countless examples of this throughout the Bible. In Proverbs 1:7 he tells us, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of all knowledge,” and again in Proverbs 9:10, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” What we must understand is that to fear the Lord is to acknowledge and revere Him and His sovereignty, power, and might. It’s to know that all things exist in and through Him and that it is only by His will that we are in existence, let alone in a relationship with Him, still, He invites us to partake in His heart, mind, and wise ways. I don’t know about you but, I cannot think of anything more humbling.
It’s no coincidence that earlier in the year I woke early in the morning to a loud voice in my spirit that said, “Humility is the way forward.” God is calling out to His people to humble themselves as He will provide wisdom to proceed forward in these turbulent times. I’m also reminded of 2 Chronicles 7:14: “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
Believers, there is something we need to learn about humility in this season and it’s imperative that we practice it in order to move forward with God.
As I’ve mentioned this in a previous
God is positioning those to receive unsurmountable favor, wisdom, and solutions in this season who pursue humility. That’s why I want to share five ways to recognize true humility being demonstrated in your life:
You actually pray. Prayerlessness is the ultimate arrogance. It’s funny how many will fight for prayers in school, yet they don’t pray at home. Raising up your children in a home of prayer will not only teach them humility but it will teach them thankfulness and inoculate your children from arrogance.
2. You are teachable. One of the most evident signs of humility is that you can be corrected without defending yourself; you don’t always have to be right, and you posture your heart to learn from others. How many of you know that once we stop learning, we start dying.
3. You live to help others succeed. I propose true success in life is finding a place of humility and pouring your life into others. When you have abandoned the temptation of entitlement—a sense that someone owes you, instead, your measure of success becomes about how many other people succeed because you’re alive, how many of you know, that’s a real ministry. That’s a life worth living.
You're not easily offended. Listen,
carrying offense is a bummer! Have you ever experienced someone telling you a story about their hurt or their pain and it was twenty years ago, only as they speak, you can tell this story is not in their past where it belongs; instead, they live it over and over daily in their mind? Believers, we have got to learn to be quick to forgive and release those grudges you're holding on to. I like what Joyce Meyer says,
"Unforgiveness is like drinking poison hoping your enemy will die."
You’re content in who you are but more importantly you’re content in who you are not. Authenticity has such a high value right now. People are searching to be seen, but it’s those who freely admit their flaws, mistakes, and failures that demonstrate the healthy humility that the world is so desperate for. Being content in who you are opens you up to authentic love and hopeful freedom.
In closing, I want you to understand that it’s impossible to not succeed if you find humility. It is my great desire for you to have a humble heart and fear the Lord, that you may receive all that He has made available to you this season.