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Kris Vallotton
September 25, 2020
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Did you know that as a Believer there is something you can do that no one else on the planet can do? I’m talking about the God-given ability to think tri-dimensionally. Many know of conventional intelligences such as IQ and EQ, but did you know that God has given His people a capacity for brilliance that goes beyond our human ability or simply learning to think well. We have SQ (Spiritual Intelligence)—access to God’s thoughts and wisdom from another age! This transcendent advantage grants us the ability to think like God in real-time. Imagine walking into the room and being the wisest person, simply because of what and Who you have access to! 

Sadly, I propose that many professed Believers have no idea what SQ is. However, there is a silver lining to spiritual inexperience. It presents those who earnestly seek the Father with a fantastic opportunity to embark on a journey to uncover the mysteries of the divine mind. 


The apostle Paul inspired such an expedition when he exhorted us to “be renewed in the spirit of your mind” (Ephesians 4:23) At first glance, this may seem like a simple exhortation to learn to think well, but upon deeper examination, the ramifications of Paul’s insight are stunning. Notice that Paul instructs us to renew not the lower dimensions of thinking, represented in modern times by IQ and/or EQ, but the “spirit of your mind.”

I realize the terms IQ and EQ were not used in Paul’s day, yet despite the terms, it would serve you well to remember that Paul was no stranger to higher education. He mastered Jewish history, the psalms and the works of the prophets. He was trained to dissect Scripture and went on to become a lawyer. Thus, Paul exhorting us to be renewed by the “spirit” of our mind was not a figure of speech or a slip of the tongue. No! He intentionally instructed us to give attention to a specific dimension of thinking. 

Paul explains to the Greek congregation in Corinthians (1 Corinthians 2) that he “did not come with superiority of speech or of wisdom” when proclaiming the testimony of God. Rather, he described that he came in “weakness and in fear and in much trembling, but in demonstration of the Spirit of power.” He pointed out to those in his company that when he ministered, he set aside all of his background, his education, and even his own wisdom so that those present would not learn to rest their faith on the human wisdom and well spoken words of men but on the superior benefits of God’s divine power and wisdom.

If you have ever healthily practiced the prophetic gift where you received God’s insights, thoughts, and perspective for another person then you may very well be able to relate to Paul describing setting aside himself so that he could access another dimension of thinking—God’s mind. 


So, how do we actually have access to God’s mind, you ask? Paul says that the Holy Spirit knows the thoughts of God, and that the Holy Spirit lives in us. Consequently, we have access to God’s Spirit. This essentially gives us the ability to think like God and access God’s thoughts in real-time! You heard me right: If you are a follower of Jesus, you can and should think like God. This is true spiritual intelligence and how you, as a Believer, can do what others can’t—think tri-dimensionally. Understand, SQ is not accessing your own spirit or brain, but instead, connecting with God’s Spirit, who is eternal, has all knowledge and wisdom, and knows the future.

Think about it like this: the Spirit has unfathomable experience with humankind and knows the heart of every person on the planet. The Holy Spirit is the Genius of geniuses, the Scientist of scientists, the Doctor of doctors, the Engineer of engineers . . . you get the idea. He is the real definition of true brilliance. When we connect to the Holy Spirit, we access the mind of Christ, and we tap into the Infinite One who knows everything! 

Paul makes three observations about this divine wisdom found in 1 Corinthians 2:1-16:

 1. It’s a mystery, which is the Greek word musterion, meaning “secret doctrine.’ In fact, Paul goes on to tell the Corinthians, “Let a man regard us in this manner, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God (1 Corinthians 4:1). We are actually stewards of the intellectual properties of God!


2. It’s hidden from unbelievers, but available for believers. Solomon put it this way: “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter” (Proverbs 25:2).

It displays His glory through us. In the days of King Solomon, God’s infinite wisdom was put on display for the Queen of Sheba, leaving her stunned and breathless. Likewise, the wisdom of God’s Holy Spirit is to be demonstrated through His people to the world around us. This divine demonstration not only brings glory to God; it also glorifies His people (John 17:22). 

Are you intrigued by the profound truth that we are partakers in the mind of Christ
and can develop in the art of thinking like God? Sometimes we get lost in the theology of revelatory reality yet never experience it. Don’t let this be said of you.

I want to challenge you today to begin living in your divine advantage of thinking tri-dimensionally. One practical way to start is by asking the Holy Spirit to expose to you any spiritual blockers that may be preventing you from “
renewing the spirit of your mind.” The enemy would love nothing more than you to stay stuck and stagnate. That is not your portion. If it was, God would not have shared with us His Spirit nor given us access to the mind of Christ. As you journey into the new world of SQ, trust that the Holy Spirit is a wise navigator and that no perceived obstacle can stand in His way (John 14:26-28).

Registration is now open for my 3 day Spiritual Intelligence Digital Summit where you will receive never before taught video teachings from me and a digital guidebook that will help you practically break down how to begin walking in S.Q. You can get a FREE registration to my SQ Summit by pre-ordering my new book “Spiritual Intelligence” which hasn’t been released to the public yet! Get your free registration here! 

Plus if you are one of the first to pre-order my book, you will get the early-bird bonus— a seat to a LIVE Q&A Zoom session with me where I answer all of the SQ questions (space is limited)!

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