The love of Jesus is inclusive and transformative; it has not been set apart for only a select few or a special group of people — it has the power to restore the pain and injustice across generations, mend the broken bridges of relationship and connection amongst God’s children, speak to every nationality from Heaven’s perspective, and touch every sphere of society without losing sight of the lost or forgotten. We have a royal assignment as Heaven’s ambassadors to proclaim the good news to the poor, bind up the brokenhearted, proclaim freedom to the captives, and release from darkness for the prisoners (Isaiah 61:1). But, let me be clear, it is not in our own strength or ability that people are set free or redeemed. It is by the redemptive power of the cross and the Holy Spirit working through us that we have the ability to partner with Heaven to see Jesus receive His full reward.
How have you experienced the transformative power of the Gospel in your own life? How have you seen it transform and touch the lives of others? I would love to hear in the comments below.