Today, I’m praying that Father God would begin to restore the joy of your salvation over you as well!
At the
Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, one of the pillars of our school and core values is
God is Good.
What does that mean? Regardless of our circumstances or the hopelessness we may feel, we can trust that God is a good Father. Enemies come to steal, kill and destroy, but Jesus came to destroy demonic works and give us abundant life (John 10:10-11). No matter the circumstances that the enemy has meant for harm in the last two years, the Lord can turn to good.
The Lord is a Craftsman and a Redeeming Architect, creating beauty from ashes, laying the strong foundation necessary for His co-heirs to stand on, taking each challenge to produce something beautiful, and establishing our royal identity as His sons and daughters.
Do you desire to walk in greater depths of your royal identity, develop deeper intimacy with the Lord, and operate in the power of the gifts of the Spirit? You can learn more about Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry here.
Remember, you are a beloved child of God and He is a good Father that has so many good plans for your life!