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Kris Vallotton
March 22, 2022
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Have you ever opened your Bible hungry for an encounter with the Lord, but uncertain where to start? Instead of receiving fresh revelation, you felt restless or resentful that the words on the page didn’t leap out and speak directly to your heart?

I’d like to propose, reading Scripture is so much more than a check off a holy to-do list or for a 30-minute set aside quiet time. It’s an opportunity to encounter the living Word of God. Scripture is a place to discover and learn, to allow Truth to take root in your soul, and become your guide to life. Some days won’t be filled with an exhilarating encounter or enlightening experience, but it doesn’t mean something is wrong. I want to challenge you to learn the discipline of approaching Scripture no matter what you receive in return. We must not approach the Word of God to simply receive something, but allow ourselves to be with the Word of God. 

My friend and Associate Pastor of Bethel Church, Chris Cruz says, “When you approach Scripture you have to allow the sediments to settle in order to find clarity.” The next time you find yourself in the pressure cooker prayer closet, instead of feeling anxiety rise as you grow eager to have a “moment” with the Lord, take a moment to sit and settle in, brush off the rush of the day, and find clarity as you sit in His presence.  

In this week’s episode of Cultural Catalysts I sat down for a conversation with Chris Cruz about the practice of being with Jesus through Scripture. Chris gave practical steps on how to build intimacy with the Lord through Scripture even when you don’t know where to start or don’t feel like you understand the Bible. 



Society is filled with canny cultural craftsmen that are subtly shifting culture, influencing the innocent, and educating individuals in immoral ideologies. I’d propose if you are not intentionally discipled by Jesus you are unintentionally being discipled by culture. I want to challenge you to set aside time in the Word of God and allow Scripture to build your intimacy with the Lord.

When the war of the world’s opinions are flying through the air, aiming for the hearts and minds of mankind, you must remain anchored in the Truth of God to dodge the brutality that immoral ideologies cause. Scripture helps filter out the noise and bring Truth and Kingdom perspective to every complex situation we face. 

I would love to hear in the comments below how you approach time in Scripture and how your time in the Word has shaped your life and relationship with the Lord? 

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