Imagine with me for a moment a soldier heading to the battlefield with no armor or weapon, dressed in street clothes, and no prior training for how to fight in battle. Don’t you think we’d deem them unfit for the job and question their ability to protect our country and attain victory? Sadly, I’d propose this is a similar scenario that we face in the Western Church today.
We set out for battle unaware of the reality of the invisible war waging around us. We treat fictional characters like Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny as if they are more real than Satan, demons, and principalities. This thinking only sets us up for defeat before the battle has even begun.
Now let me be clear, my goal here is not to ignite fear, but rather speak to the truth that through the redemptive power of the cross we are victorious. However, this truth doesn’t remove the reality of the spiritual realm that impacts us on a daily basis. As weird as it may sound, these entities are vying for attention and affecting our daily lives, our relationships, our health, and our prosperity. Yet, unlike a physical battle, our unawareness lures us right into a strategic battle designed to steal from, kill, and destroy us. Our ignorance allows the demonic realm to be hidden within plain sight.
The truth is, in order to live a prosperous and successful life, we must become spiritual cryptographers who understand that we are in a real and present battle. We were not created to be ignorant to the plans and tactics of the enemy, rather we have been designed to be sanctified solutionaries dismantling the schemes of the enemy and promoting the Kingdom of heavenly ability.
The apostle Paul, one of the most spiritually intelligent people to ever grace the earth wrote, “You were dead in your trespasses and sins, in which you formerly walked according to the course of this world, according to the sons of disobedience” (Ephesians 2:1-2). I know this may sound like science fiction, but this is real.
The good news is that there are more angels who are for us than there are demons against us.
God has assigned strong angelic allies to help us in life and in battle. The ability to distinguish or discern these spiritual entities and their angelic or demonic strategies is essential to the true success of every person on the planet. It is vital to understand that believers have been given gifts and authority over this unseen realm, to undermine and disarm the devious demonic agenda. You are a Kingdom force on the earth, equipped with the divine advantage of spiritual intelligence.